Hanno Böck Add composer dependency for...

Hanno Böck authored 7 years ago

1) {
2)     "_readme": [
3)         "This file locks the dependencies of your project to a known state",
Bernd Wurst Erzeuge HTML als Eingabe fü...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

4)         "Read more about it at https://getcomposer.org/doc/01-basic-usage.md#installing-dependencies",
Hanno Böck Add composer dependency for...

Hanno Böck authored 7 years ago

5)         "This file is @generated automatically"
6)     ],
Bernd Wurst PHP 8.0 compatibility

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

7)     "content-hash": "2ddcdd91f6d49f93b298d93060d37034",
Hanno Böck Add composer dependency for...

Hanno Böck authored 7 years ago

8)     "packages": [
9)         {
10)             "name": "bjeavons/zxcvbn-php",
Bernd Wurst PHP 8.0 compatibility

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

11)             "version": "1.2.0",
Hanno Böck Add composer dependency for...

Hanno Böck authored 7 years ago

12)             "source": {
13)                 "type": "git",
14)                 "url": "https://github.com/bjeavons/zxcvbn-php.git",
Bernd Wurst PHP 8.0 compatibility

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

15)                 "reference": "13b505d53c6e72a8fce7f42e3392f13642bbf65e"
Hanno Böck Add composer dependency for...

Hanno Böck authored 7 years ago

16)             },
17)             "dist": {
18)                 "type": "zip",
Bernd Wurst PHP 8.0 compatibility

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

19)                 "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/bjeavons/zxcvbn-php/zipball/13b505d53c6e72a8fce7f42e3392f13642bbf65e",
20)                 "reference": "13b505d53c6e72a8fce7f42e3392f13642bbf65e",
Hanno Böck Add composer dependency for...

Hanno Böck authored 7 years ago

21)                 "shasum": ""
22)             },
23)             "require": {
Bernd Wurst PHP 8.0 compatibility

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

24)                 "php": "^7.2 | ^8.0",
25)                 "symfony/polyfill-mbstring": ">=1.3.1"
Hanno Böck Add composer dependency for...

Hanno Böck authored 7 years ago

26)             },
27)             "require-dev": {
Bernd Wurst PHP 8.0 compatibility

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

28)                 "php-coveralls/php-coveralls": "*",
29)                 "phpunit/phpunit": "^8.5",
30)                 "squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "3.*"
Hanno Böck Add composer dependency for...

Hanno Böck authored 7 years ago

31)             },
32)             "type": "library",
33)             "autoload": {
34)                 "psr-4": {
35)                     "ZxcvbnPhp\\": "src/"
36)                 }
37)             },
38)             "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
39)             "license": [
40)                 "MIT"
41)             ],
42)             "authors": [
43)                 {
44)                     "name": "See contributors",
45)                     "homepage": "https://github.com/bjeavons/zxcvbn-php"
46)                 }
47)             ],
48)             "description": "Realistic password strength estimation PHP library based on Zxcvbn JS",
49)             "homepage": "https://github.com/bjeavons/zxcvbn-php",
50)             "keywords": [
51)                 "password",
52)                 "zxcvbn"
53)             ],
Bernd Wurst PHP 8.0 compatibility

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

54)             "time": "2020-11-30T16:47:23+00:00"
Bernd Wurst Neue Abhängigkeit für phone...

Bernd Wurst authored 6 years ago

55)         },
56)         {
57)             "name": "giggsey/libphonenumber-for-php",
Bernd Wurst update deps

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

58)             "version": "8.12.14",
Bernd Wurst Neue Abhängigkeit für phone...

Bernd Wurst authored 6 years ago

59)             "source": {
60)                 "type": "git",
61)                 "url": "https://github.com/giggsey/libphonenumber-for-php.git",
Bernd Wurst update deps

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

62)                 "reference": "c42a963110b08b8a4a419c35566bf9d3456ba479"
Bernd Wurst Neue Abhängigkeit für phone...

Bernd Wurst authored 6 years ago

63)             },
64)             "dist": {
65)                 "type": "zip",
Bernd Wurst update deps

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

66)                 "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/giggsey/libphonenumber-for-php/zipball/c42a963110b08b8a4a419c35566bf9d3456ba479",
67)                 "reference": "c42a963110b08b8a4a419c35566bf9d3456ba479",
Bernd Wurst Neue Abhängigkeit für phone...

Bernd Wurst authored 6 years ago

68)                 "shasum": ""
69)             },
70)             "require": {
Bernd Wurst updated dependancies

Bernd Wurst authored 4 years ago

71)                 "giggsey/locale": "^1.7",
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

72)                 "php": ">=5.3.2",
73)                 "symfony/polyfill-mbstring": "^1.17"
Bernd Wurst Neue Abhängigkeit für phone...

Bernd Wurst authored 6 years ago

74)             },
75)             "require-dev": {
76)                 "pear/pear-core-minimal": "^1.9",
77)                 "pear/pear_exception": "^1.0",
78)                 "pear/versioncontrol_git": "^0.5",
79)                 "phing/phing": "^2.7",
Bernd Wurst Erzeuge HTML als Eingabe fü...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

80)                 "php-coveralls/php-coveralls": "^1.0|^2.0",
Bernd Wurst update deps

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

81)                 "symfony/console": "^2.8|^3.0",
82)                 "symfony/phpunit-bridge": "^4.2 || ^5"
Bernd Wurst Neue Abhängigkeit für phone...

Bernd Wurst authored 6 years ago

83)             },
84)             "type": "library",
85)             "extra": {
86)                 "branch-alias": {
87)                     "dev-master": "8.x-dev"
88)                 }
89)             },
90)             "autoload": {
91)                 "psr-4": {
92)                     "libphonenumber\\": "src/"
93)                 },
94)                 "exclude-from-classmap": [
95)                     "/src/data/",
96)                     "/src/carrier/data/",
97)                     "/src/geocoding/data/",
98)                     "/src/timezone/data/"
99)                 ]
100)             },
101)             "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
102)             "license": [
103)                 "Apache-2.0"
104)             ],
105)             "authors": [
106)                 {
107)                     "name": "Joshua Gigg",
108)                     "email": "giggsey@gmail.com",
109)                     "homepage": "https://giggsey.com/"
110)                 }
111)             ],
112)             "description": "PHP Port of Google's libphonenumber",
113)             "homepage": "https://github.com/giggsey/libphonenumber-for-php",
114)             "keywords": [
115)                 "geocoding",
116)                 "geolocation",
117)                 "libphonenumber",
118)                 "mobile",
119)                 "phonenumber",
120)                 "validation"
121)             ],
Bernd Wurst update deps

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

122)             "time": "2020-12-02T10:54:10+00:00"
Bernd Wurst Neue Abhängigkeit für phone...

Bernd Wurst authored 6 years ago

123)         },
124)         {
125)             "name": "giggsey/locale",
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

126)             "version": "1.9",
Bernd Wurst Neue Abhängigkeit für phone...

Bernd Wurst authored 6 years ago

127)             "source": {
128)                 "type": "git",
129)                 "url": "https://github.com/giggsey/Locale.git",
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

130)                 "reference": "b07f1eace8072ccc61445ad8fbd493ff9d783043"
Bernd Wurst Neue Abhängigkeit für phone...

Bernd Wurst authored 6 years ago

131)             },
132)             "dist": {
133)                 "type": "zip",
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

134)                 "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/giggsey/Locale/zipball/b07f1eace8072ccc61445ad8fbd493ff9d783043",
135)                 "reference": "b07f1eace8072ccc61445ad8fbd493ff9d783043",
Bernd Wurst Neue Abhängigkeit für phone...

Bernd Wurst authored 6 years ago

136)                 "shasum": ""
137)             },
138)             "require": {
139)                 "php": ">=5.3.2"
140)             },
141)             "require-dev": {
142)                 "pear/pear-core-minimal": "^1.9",
143)                 "pear/pear_exception": "^1.0",
144)                 "pear/versioncontrol_git": "^0.5",
145)                 "phing/phing": "~2.7",
Bernd Wurst update dependancies

Bernd Wurst authored 4 years ago

146)                 "php-coveralls/php-coveralls": "^1.0|^2.0",
Bernd Wurst Neue Abhängigkeit für phone...

Bernd Wurst authored 6 years ago

147)                 "phpunit/phpunit": "^4.8|^5.0",
Hanno Use GoogleAuthenticator fro...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

148)                 "symfony/console": "^2.8|^3.0|^4.0",
149)                 "symfony/filesystem": "^2.8|^3.0|^4.0",
150)                 "symfony/finder": "^2.8|^3.0|^4.0",
151)                 "symfony/process": "^2.8|^3.0|^4.0"
Bernd Wurst Neue Abhängigkeit für phone...

Bernd Wurst authored 6 years ago

152)             },
153)             "type": "library",
154)             "autoload": {
155)                 "psr-4": {
156)                     "Giggsey\\Locale\\": "src/"
157)                 }
158)             },
159)             "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
160)             "license": [
161)                 "MIT"
162)             ],
163)             "authors": [
164)                 {
165)                     "name": "Joshua Gigg",
166)                     "email": "giggsey@gmail.com",
167)                     "homepage": "http://giggsey.com/"
168)                 }
169)             ],
170)             "description": "Locale functions required by libphonenumber-for-php",
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

171)             "time": "2020-07-07T11:16:24+00:00"
Bernd Wurst php-iban über composer einb...

Bernd Wurst authored 6 years ago

172)         },
173)         {
174)             "name": "globalcitizen/php-iban",
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

175)             "version": "v2.7.5",
Bernd Wurst php-iban über composer einb...

Bernd Wurst authored 6 years ago

176)             "source": {
177)                 "type": "git",
178)                 "url": "https://github.com/globalcitizen/php-iban.git",
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

179)                 "reference": "4c0fc54877948ac667c0ab29c2d1afbe47705599"
Bernd Wurst php-iban über composer einb...

Bernd Wurst authored 6 years ago

180)             },
181)             "dist": {
182)                 "type": "zip",
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

183)                 "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/globalcitizen/php-iban/zipball/4c0fc54877948ac667c0ab29c2d1afbe47705599",
184)                 "reference": "4c0fc54877948ac667c0ab29c2d1afbe47705599",
Bernd Wurst php-iban über composer einb...

Bernd Wurst authored 6 years ago

185)                 "shasum": ""
186)             },
187)             "type": "library",
188)             "autoload": {
189)                 "files": [
190)                     "oophp-iban.php",
191)                     "php-iban.php"
192)                 ]
193)             },
194)             "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
195)             "license": [
Bernd Wurst update dependancies

Bernd Wurst authored 4 years ago

196)                 "LGPL-3.0-only"
Bernd Wurst php-iban über composer einb...

Bernd Wurst authored 6 years ago

197)             ],
198)             "description": "php-iban is a library for parsing and validating IBAN (and IIBAN) bank account information.",
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

199)             "time": "2020-05-03T19:46:35+00:00"
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

200)         },
201)         {
202)             "name": "mpdf/mpdf",
Bernd Wurst update deps

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

203)             "version": "v8.0.8",
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

204)             "source": {
205)                 "type": "git",
206)                 "url": "https://github.com/mpdf/mpdf.git",
Bernd Wurst update deps

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

207)                 "reference": "4ce221329d0918146514605db1644b2771c5e308"
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

208)             },
209)             "dist": {
210)                 "type": "zip",
Bernd Wurst update deps

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

211)                 "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/mpdf/mpdf/zipball/4ce221329d0918146514605db1644b2771c5e308",
212)                 "reference": "4ce221329d0918146514605db1644b2771c5e308",
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

213)                 "shasum": ""
214)             },
215)             "require": {
216)                 "ext-gd": "*",
217)                 "ext-mbstring": "*",
Hanno Use GoogleAuthenticator fro...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

218)                 "myclabs/deep-copy": "^1.7",
Bernd Wurst update deps

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

219)                 "paragonie/random_compat": "^1.4|^2.0|^9.99.99",
220)                 "php": "^5.6 || ^7.0",
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

221)                 "psr/log": "^1.0",
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

222)                 "setasign/fpdi": "^2.1"
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

223)             },
224)             "require-dev": {
Bernd Wurst update deps

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

225)                 "mockery/mockery": "^1.3.0",
226)                 "mpdf/qrcode": "^1.1.0",
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

227)                 "phpunit/phpunit": "^5.0",
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

228)                 "squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "^3.5.0",
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

229)                 "tracy/tracy": "^2.4"
230)             },
231)             "suggest": {
232)                 "ext-bcmath": "Needed for generation of some types of barcodes",
233)                 "ext-xml": "Needed mainly for SVG manipulation",
234)                 "ext-zlib": "Needed for compression of embedded resources, such as fonts"
235)             },
236)             "type": "library",
237)             "extra": {
238)                 "branch-alias": {
Bernd Wurst Erzeuge HTML als Eingabe fü...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

239)                     "dev-development": "7.x-dev"
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

240)                 }
241)             },
242)             "autoload": {
243)                 "psr-4": {
244)                     "Mpdf\\": "src/"
245)                 }
246)             },
247)             "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
248)             "license": [
Hanno Use GoogleAuthenticator fro...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

249)                 "GPL-2.0-only"
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

250)             ],
251)             "authors": [
252)                 {
253)                     "name": "Matěj Humpál",
254)                     "role": "Developer, maintainer"
255)                 },
256)                 {
257)                     "name": "Ian Back",
258)                     "role": "Developer (retired)"
259)                 }
260)             ],
Bernd Wurst Erzeuge HTML als Eingabe fü...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

261)             "description": "PHP library generating PDF files from UTF-8 encoded HTML",
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

262)             "homepage": "https://mpdf.github.io",
263)             "keywords": [
264)                 "pdf",
265)                 "php",
266)                 "utf-8"
267)             ],
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

268)             "funding": [
269)                 {
270)                     "url": "https://www.paypal.me/mpdf",
271)                     "type": "custom"
272)                 }
273)             ],
Bernd Wurst update deps

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

274)             "time": "2020-12-05T00:44:31+00:00"
Hanno Use GoogleAuthenticator fro...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

275)         },
276)         {
277)             "name": "myclabs/deep-copy",
Bernd Wurst update deps

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

278)             "version": "1.10.2",
Hanno Use GoogleAuthenticator fro...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

279)             "source": {
280)                 "type": "git",
281)                 "url": "https://github.com/myclabs/DeepCopy.git",
Bernd Wurst update deps

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

282)                 "reference": "776f831124e9c62e1a2c601ecc52e776d8bb7220"
Hanno Use GoogleAuthenticator fro...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

283)             },
284)             "dist": {
285)                 "type": "zip",
Bernd Wurst update deps

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

286)                 "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/myclabs/DeepCopy/zipball/776f831124e9c62e1a2c601ecc52e776d8bb7220",
287)                 "reference": "776f831124e9c62e1a2c601ecc52e776d8bb7220",
Hanno Use GoogleAuthenticator fro...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

288)                 "shasum": ""
289)             },
290)             "require": {
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

291)                 "php": "^7.1 || ^8.0"
Hanno Use GoogleAuthenticator fro...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

292)             },
293)             "replace": {
294)                 "myclabs/deep-copy": "self.version"
295)             },
296)             "require-dev": {
297)                 "doctrine/collections": "^1.0",
298)                 "doctrine/common": "^2.6",
299)                 "phpunit/phpunit": "^7.1"
300)             },
301)             "type": "library",
302)             "autoload": {
303)                 "psr-4": {
304)                     "DeepCopy\\": "src/DeepCopy/"
305)                 },
306)                 "files": [
307)                     "src/DeepCopy/deep_copy.php"
308)                 ]
309)             },
310)             "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
311)             "license": [
312)                 "MIT"
313)             ],
314)             "description": "Create deep copies (clones) of your objects",
315)             "keywords": [
316)                 "clone",
317)                 "copy",
318)                 "duplicate",
319)                 "object",
320)                 "object graph"
321)             ],
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

322)             "funding": [
323)                 {
324)                     "url": "https://tidelift.com/funding/github/packagist/myclabs/deep-copy",
325)                     "type": "tidelift"
326)                 }
327)             ],
Bernd Wurst update deps

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

328)             "time": "2020-11-13T09:40:50+00:00"
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

329)         },
330)         {
331)             "name": "paragonie/random_compat",
Bernd Wurst update deps

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

332)             "version": "v9.99.100",
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

333)             "source": {
334)                 "type": "git",
335)                 "url": "https://github.com/paragonie/random_compat.git",
Bernd Wurst update deps

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

336)                 "reference": "996434e5492cb4c3edcb9168db6fbb1359ef965a"
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

337)             },
338)             "dist": {
339)                 "type": "zip",
Bernd Wurst update deps

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

340)                 "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/paragonie/random_compat/zipball/996434e5492cb4c3edcb9168db6fbb1359ef965a",
341)                 "reference": "996434e5492cb4c3edcb9168db6fbb1359ef965a",
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

342)                 "shasum": ""
343)             },
344)             "require": {
Bernd Wurst update deps

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

345)                 "php": ">= 7"
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

346)             },
347)             "require-dev": {
Bernd Wurst Erzeuge HTML als Eingabe fü...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

348)                 "phpunit/phpunit": "4.*|5.*",
349)                 "vimeo/psalm": "^1"
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

350)             },
351)             "suggest": {
352)                 "ext-libsodium": "Provides a modern crypto API that can be used to generate random bytes."
353)             },
354)             "type": "library",
355)             "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
356)             "license": [
357)                 "MIT"
358)             ],
359)             "authors": [
360)                 {
361)                     "name": "Paragon Initiative Enterprises",
362)                     "email": "security@paragonie.com",
363)                     "homepage": "https://paragonie.com"
364)                 }
365)             ],
366)             "description": "PHP 5.x polyfill for random_bytes() and random_int() from PHP 7",
367)             "keywords": [
368)                 "csprng",
Hanno Use GoogleAuthenticator fro...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

369)                 "polyfill",
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

370)                 "pseudorandom",
371)                 "random"
372)             ],
Bernd Wurst update deps

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

373)             "time": "2020-10-15T08:29:30+00:00"
Bernd Wurst Erzeuge HTML als Eingabe fü...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

374)         },
Hanno Use GoogleAuthenticator fro...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

375)         {
376)             "name": "phpgangsta/googleauthenticator",
377)             "version": "dev-master",
378)             "source": {
379)                 "type": "git",
380)                 "url": "https://github.com/PHPGangsta/GoogleAuthenticator.git",
Bernd Wurst updated dependancies

Bernd Wurst authored 4 years ago

381)                 "reference": "505c2af8337b559b33557f37cda38e5f843f3768"
Hanno Use GoogleAuthenticator fro...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

382)             },
383)             "dist": {
384)                 "type": "zip",
Bernd Wurst updated dependancies

Bernd Wurst authored 4 years ago

385)                 "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/PHPGangsta/GoogleAuthenticator/zipball/505c2af8337b559b33557f37cda38e5f843f3768",
386)                 "reference": "505c2af8337b559b33557f37cda38e5f843f3768",
Hanno Use GoogleAuthenticator fro...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

387)                 "shasum": ""
388)             },
389)             "require": {
390)                 "php": ">=5.3"
391)             },
392)             "type": "library",
393)             "autoload": {
394)                 "classmap": [
395)                     "PHPGangsta/GoogleAuthenticator.php"
396)                 ]
397)             },
398)             "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
399)             "license": [
400)                 "BSD-4-Clause"
401)             ],
402)             "authors": [
403)                 {
404)                     "name": "Michael Kliewe",
Bernd Wurst update deps

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

405)                     "role": "Developer",
Hanno Use GoogleAuthenticator fro...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

406)                     "email": "info@phpgangsta.de",
Bernd Wurst update deps

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

407)                     "homepage": "http://www.phpgangsta.de/"
Hanno Use GoogleAuthenticator fro...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

408)                 }
409)             ],
410)             "description": "Google Authenticator 2-factor authentication",
411)             "keywords": [
412)                 "googleauthenticator",
413)                 "rfc6238",
414)                 "totp"
415)             ],
Bernd Wurst updated dependancies

Bernd Wurst authored 4 years ago

416)             "time": "2019-03-20T00:55:58+00:00"
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

417)         },
418)         {
419)             "name": "psr/log",
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

420)             "version": "1.1.3",
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

421)             "source": {
422)                 "type": "git",
423)                 "url": "https://github.com/php-fig/log.git",
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

424)                 "reference": "0f73288fd15629204f9d42b7055f72dacbe811fc"
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

425)             },
426)             "dist": {
427)                 "type": "zip",
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

428)                 "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/php-fig/log/zipball/0f73288fd15629204f9d42b7055f72dacbe811fc",
429)                 "reference": "0f73288fd15629204f9d42b7055f72dacbe811fc",
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

430)                 "shasum": ""
431)             },
432)             "require": {
433)                 "php": ">=5.3.0"
434)             },
435)             "type": "library",
436)             "extra": {
437)                 "branch-alias": {
Bernd Wurst update dependancies

Bernd Wurst authored 4 years ago

438)                     "dev-master": "1.1.x-dev"
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

439)                 }
440)             },
441)             "autoload": {
442)                 "psr-4": {
443)                     "Psr\\Log\\": "Psr/Log/"
444)                 }
445)             },
446)             "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
447)             "license": [
448)                 "MIT"
449)             ],
450)             "authors": [
451)                 {
452)                     "name": "PHP-FIG",
453)                     "homepage": "http://www.php-fig.org/"
454)                 }
455)             ],
456)             "description": "Common interface for logging libraries",
457)             "homepage": "https://github.com/php-fig/log",
458)             "keywords": [
459)                 "log",
460)                 "psr",
461)                 "psr-3"
462)             ],
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

463)             "time": "2020-03-23T09:12:05+00:00"
Bernd Wurst Erzeuge HTML als Eingabe fü...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

464)         },
465)         {
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

466)             "name": "setasign/fpdi",
Bernd Wurst update deps

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

467)             "version": "v2.3.5",
Bernd Wurst Erzeuge HTML als Eingabe fü...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

468)             "source": {
469)                 "type": "git",
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

470)                 "url": "https://github.com/Setasign/FPDI.git",
Bernd Wurst update deps

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

471)                 "reference": "f2246c8669bd25834f5c264425eb0e250d7a9312"
Bernd Wurst Erzeuge HTML als Eingabe fü...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

472)             },
473)             "dist": {
474)                 "type": "zip",
Bernd Wurst update deps

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

475)                 "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/Setasign/FPDI/zipball/f2246c8669bd25834f5c264425eb0e250d7a9312",
476)                 "reference": "f2246c8669bd25834f5c264425eb0e250d7a9312",
Bernd Wurst Erzeuge HTML als Eingabe fü...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

477)                 "shasum": ""
478)             },
479)             "require": {
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

480)                 "ext-zlib": "*",
Bernd Wurst update deps

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

481)                 "php": "^5.6 || ^7.0 || ^8.0"
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

482)             },
483)             "conflict": {
484)                 "setasign/tfpdf": "<1.31"
Bernd Wurst Erzeuge HTML als Eingabe fü...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

485)             },
486)             "require-dev": {
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

487)                 "phpunit/phpunit": "~5.7",
488)                 "setasign/fpdf": "~1.8",
489)                 "setasign/tfpdf": "1.31",
490)                 "squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "^3.5",
491)                 "tecnickcom/tcpdf": "~6.2"
492)             },
493)             "suggest": {
494)                 "setasign/fpdf": "FPDI will extend this class but as it is also possible to use TCPDF or tFPDF as an alternative. There's no fixed dependency configured."
Bernd Wurst Erzeuge HTML als Eingabe fü...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

495)             },
496)             "type": "library",
497)             "autoload": {
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

498)                 "psr-4": {
499)                     "setasign\\Fpdi\\": "src/"
Bernd Wurst Erzeuge HTML als Eingabe fü...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

500)                 }
501)             },
502)             "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
503)             "license": [
504)                 "MIT"
505)             ],
506)             "authors": [
507)                 {
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

508)                     "name": "Jan Slabon",
509)                     "email": "jan.slabon@setasign.com",
510)                     "homepage": "https://www.setasign.com"
511)                 },
512)                 {
513)                     "name": "Maximilian Kresse",
514)                     "email": "maximilian.kresse@setasign.com",
515)                     "homepage": "https://www.setasign.com"
Bernd Wurst Erzeuge HTML als Eingabe fü...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

516)                 }
517)             ],
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

518)             "description": "FPDI is a collection of PHP classes facilitating developers to read pages from existing PDF documents and use them as templates in FPDF. Because it is also possible to use FPDI with TCPDF, there are no fixed dependencies defined. Please see suggestions for packages which evaluates the dependencies automatically.",
519)             "homepage": "https://www.setasign.com/fpdi",
Bernd Wurst Erzeuge HTML als Eingabe fü...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

520)             "keywords": [
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

521)                 "fpdf",
522)                 "fpdi",
523)                 "pdf"
524)             ],
525)             "funding": [
526)                 {
527)                     "url": "https://tidelift.com/funding/github/packagist/setasign/fpdi",
528)                     "type": "tidelift"
529)                 }
Bernd Wurst Erzeuge HTML als Eingabe fü...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

530)             ],
Bernd Wurst update deps

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

531)             "time": "2020-12-03T13:40:03+00:00"
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

532)         },
533)         {
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

534)             "name": "symfony/polyfill-mbstring",
535)             "version": "v1.20.0",
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

536)             "source": {
537)                 "type": "git",
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

538)                 "url": "https://github.com/symfony/polyfill-mbstring.git",
539)                 "reference": "39d483bdf39be819deabf04ec872eb0b2410b531"
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

540)             },
541)             "dist": {
542)                 "type": "zip",
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

543)                 "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/symfony/polyfill-mbstring/zipball/39d483bdf39be819deabf04ec872eb0b2410b531",
544)                 "reference": "39d483bdf39be819deabf04ec872eb0b2410b531",
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

545)                 "shasum": ""
546)             },
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

547)             "require": {
548)                 "php": ">=7.1"
549)             },
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

550)             "suggest": {
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

551)                 "ext-mbstring": "For best performance"
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

552)             },
553)             "type": "library",
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

554)             "extra": {
555)                 "branch-alias": {
556)                     "dev-main": "1.20-dev"
557)                 },
558)                 "thanks": {
559)                     "name": "symfony/polyfill",
560)                     "url": "https://github.com/symfony/polyfill"
561)                 }
562)             },
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

563)             "autoload": {
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

564)                 "psr-4": {
565)                     "Symfony\\Polyfill\\Mbstring\\": ""
566)                 },
567)                 "files": [
568)                     "bootstrap.php"
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

569)                 ]
570)             },
571)             "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
572)             "license": [
573)                 "MIT"
574)             ],
575)             "authors": [
576)                 {
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

577)                     "name": "Nicolas Grekas",
578)                     "email": "p@tchwork.com"
579)                 },
580)                 {
581)                     "name": "Symfony Community",
582)                     "homepage": "https://symfony.com/contributors"
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

583)                 }
584)             ],
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

585)             "description": "Symfony polyfill for the Mbstring extension",
586)             "homepage": "https://symfony.com",
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

587)             "keywords": [
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

588)                 "compatibility",
589)                 "mbstring",
590)                 "polyfill",
591)                 "portable",
592)                 "shim"
593)             ],
594)             "funding": [
595)                 {
596)                     "url": "https://symfony.com/sponsor",
597)                     "type": "custom"
598)                 },
599)                 {
600)                     "url": "https://github.com/fabpot",
601)                     "type": "github"
602)                 },
603)                 {
604)                     "url": "https://tidelift.com/funding/github/packagist/symfony/symfony",
605)                     "type": "tidelift"
606)                 }
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

607)             ],
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

608)             "time": "2020-10-23T14:02:19+00:00"
Hanno Böck Add composer dependency for...

Hanno Böck authored 7 years ago

609)         }
610)     ],
611)     "packages-dev": [],
612)     "aliases": [],
613)     "minimum-stability": "stable",
Hanno Use GoogleAuthenticator fro...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

614)     "stability-flags": {
615)         "phpgangsta/googleauthenticator": 20
616)     },
Hanno Böck Add composer dependency for...

Hanno Böck authored 7 years ago

617)     "prefer-stable": false,
618)     "prefer-lowest": false,
619)     "platform": [],
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

620)     "platform-dev": [],
621)     "plugin-api-version": "1.1.0"