Runa A. Sandvik and commit a bunch of new t...

Runa A. Sandvik authored 13 years ago

6) ## translation metadata
Runa A. Sandvik new languages for the websi...

Runa A. Sandvik authored 12 years ago

7) # Revision: $Revision: 24910 $
Runa A. Sandvik and commit a bunch of new t...

Runa A. Sandvik authored 13 years ago

8) # Translation-Priority: 3-low
9) #include "ar/head.wmi" TITLE="Tor Project: Debian/Ubuntu Instructions" CHARSET="UTF-8" STYLESHEET="css/master-rtl.css"
10) <div id="content" class="clearfix">
11)   <div id="breadcrumbs">
12)     <a href="<page index>">Home &raquo; </a> <a href="<page
13) docs/documentation>">Documentation &raquo; </a> <a href="<page
14) docs/debian>">Debian/Ubuntu Instructions</a>
15)   </div>
16)   <div id="maincol"> 
17) <a id="debian"></a>
Runa A. Sandvik new languages for the websi...

Runa A. Sandvik authored 12 years ago

18) <h2><a class="anchor" href="#debian">Option one: Tor on Debian squeeze, lenny,
19) Debian sid, or Debian testing</a></h2>
Runa A. Sandvik and commit a bunch of new t...

Runa A. Sandvik authored 13 years ago

20) <br />
22) <p>
Runa A. Sandvik new languages for the websi...

Runa A. Sandvik authored 12 years ago

23) If you're using Debian, just run<br /> <tt>apt-get install tor
24) tor-geoipdb</tt> as root.
Runa A. Sandvik and commit a bunch of new t...

Runa A. Sandvik authored 13 years ago

25) </p>
27) <p>
28) Note that this might not always give you the latest stable Tor version, but
29) you will receive important security fixes. To make sure that you're running
30) the latest stable version of Tor, see option two below.
31) </p>
33) <p>
34) تور الأن متبث ومشغل. إنتقل إلى <a href="<page
35) docs/tor-doc-unix>#polipo">الخطوة الثانية</a> من تعليمات "Tor on
36) Linux/Unix".
37) </p>
39) <hr /> <a id="ubuntu"></a> <a id="packages"></a>
40) <h2><a class="anchor" href="#ubuntu">الخيار الثاني: تور على أوبنتو أو دِبيان</a></h2>
41) <br />
43) <p>
Runa A. Sandvik new languages for the websi...

Runa A. Sandvik authored 12 years ago

44) <b>Do not use the packages in Ubuntu's universe.</b> In the past they have
45) not reliably been updated. That means you could be missing stability and
46) security fixes.
Runa A. Sandvik and commit a bunch of new t...

Runa A. Sandvik authored 13 years ago

47) </p>
49) <p>
50) You'll need to set up our package repository before you can fetch
51) Tor. First, you need to figure out the name of your distribution. A quick
52) command to run is <tt>lsb_release -c</tt> or <tt>cat
53) /etc/debian_version</tt>.  Here's a quick mapping:
54) <ul>
55) <li> دِبيان غير المستقرة (sid) هي "sid"</li>
Runa A. Sandvik new languages for the websi...

Runa A. Sandvik authored 12 years ago

56) <li> Debian testing is "wheezy"</li>
Runa A. Sandvik and commit a bunch of new t...

Runa A. Sandvik authored 13 years ago

57) <li> دِبيان 6.0 (سكوييز) هي "squeeze"</li>
58) <li> دِبيان 5.0 (ليني) هي "lenny"</li>
Runa A. Sandvik new and updated translation...

Runa A. Sandvik authored 12 years ago

59) <li> Ubuntu 11.04 is "natty"</li>
60) <li> Ubuntu 10.10 or Trisquel 4.5 is "maverick"</li>