Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

1) ## translation metadata
Roger Dingledine looks like we never set the...

Roger Dingledine authored 13 years ago

2) # Revision: $Revision$
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

3) # Translation-Priority: 1-high
5) #include "head.wmi" TITLE="Tor Browser Bundle" CHARSET="UTF-8"
7) <div id="content" class="clearfix">
8) 	<div id="breadcrumbs">
Andrew Lewman change all of the breadcrum...

Andrew Lewman authored 13 years ago

9)     <a href="<page index>">Home &raquo; </a>
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

10)     <a href="<page projects/projects>">Projects &raquo; </a>
11)     <a href="<page projects/torbrowser>">TorBrowser</a>
12)   </div>
13) 	<div id="maincol">  
17)     <h2>Tor Browser Bundle</h2>
18)     <hr/>
20)     <p>The <strong>Tor</strong> software protects you by bouncing
21)     your communications around a distributed network of relays run by volunteers
22)     all around the world: it prevents somebody watching your Internet connection
23)     from learning what sites you visit, it prevents the sites you visit from
24)     learning your physical location, and it lets you access sites which are
25)     blocked.</p>
Erinn Clark add the OSX info back to th...

Erinn Clark authored 13 years ago

27)     <p>The <strong>Tor Browser Bundle</strong> lets you use Tor on
Erinn Clark add rransom's proposed impr...

Erinn Clark authored 13 years ago

28)     Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux without needing to install any software.  It
29)     can run off a USB flash drive, comes with a pre-configured web
30)     browser, and is self-contained.
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

32)     The <strong>Tor IM Browser Bundle</strong> additionally allows instant
33)     messaging and chat over Tor.
35)     If you would prefer to use your existing web browser, install Tor
36)     permanently, or if you don't use Windows, see the other ways to <a
37)     href="<page download/download>">download Tor</a>.</p>
39)     <p>Freedom House has produced a video on how to find and use the Tor
40)     Browser Bundle.  If you don't see a video below, view it at <a
41)     href="http://www.youtube.com/thetorproject">Youtube
42)     </a>.  Know of a better video or one translated into your
43)     language?  Let us know!</p>
45)     <div class="center">
Robert Ransom HTTPS-ify links to media.tp...

Robert Ransom authored 13 years ago

46)     <p><video id="v1" src="https://media.torproject.org/video/2009-install-and-use-tor-browser-bundle.ogv" autobuffer="true" controls="controls"></video></p>
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

47)     </div>
49)     <a id="Download"></a>
50)     <h3><a class="anchor" href="#Download">Download Tor Browser Bundle and Tor IM Browser Bundle</a></h3>
52)     <p>To start using the Tor Browser Bundle or Tor IM Browser Bundle, download the file for your preferred
53)     language. This file can be saved wherever is convenient, e.g. the Desktop or a
54)     USB flash drive.</p>
56)     <p>If you have an unreliable Internet connection, it may be easier for you to download the bundle edition which is <a href="<page projects/torbrowser-split>">split up</a> into smaller parts.</p>
58)     <p id="Download-torbrowserbundle" style="font-size: 120%; margin: 5mm">Tor Browser Bundle for Windows with Firefox (version <version-torbrowserbundle>, 16 MB)</p>
60)     <ul>
Sebastian Hahn Fix download links on the t...

Sebastian Hahn authored 13 years ago

62)     <li><a href="../dist/torbrowser/tor-browser-<version-torbrowserbundle>_en-US.exe">English (en-US)</a> (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/tor-browser-<version-torbrowserbundle>_en-US.exe.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>)</li>
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

Sebastian Hahn Fix download links on the t...

Sebastian Hahn authored 13 years ago

64)     <li><a href="../dist/torbrowser/tor-browser-<version-torbrowserbundle>_ar.exe">&#x0627;&#x0644;&#x0639;&#x0631;&#x0628;&#x064a;&#x0629; (ar)</a> (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/tor-browser-<version-torbrowserbundle>_ar.exe.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>)</li>
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

Sebastian Hahn Fix download links on the t...

Sebastian Hahn authored 13 years ago

66)     <li><a href="../dist/torbrowser/tor-browser-<version-torbrowserbundle>_de.exe">Deutsch (de)</a> (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/tor-browser-<version-torbrowserbundle>_de.exe.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>)</li>
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

Sebastian Hahn Fix download links on the t...

Sebastian Hahn authored 13 years ago

68)     <li><a href="../dist/torbrowser/tor-browser-<version-torbrowserbundle>_es-ES.exe">&#x0045;&#x0073;&#x0070;&#x0061;&#x00f1;&#x006f;&#x006c; (es-ES)</a> (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/tor-browser-<version-torbrowserbundle>_es-ES.exe.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>)</li>
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

Sebastian Hahn Fix download links on the t...

Sebastian Hahn authored 13 years ago

70)     <li><a href="../dist/torbrowser/tor-browser-<version-torbrowserbundle>_fa.exe">&#x0641;&#x0627;&#x0631;&#x0633;&#x06cc; (fa)</a> (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/tor-browser-<version-torbrowserbundle>_fa.exe.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>)</li>
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

Sebastian Hahn Fix download links on the t...

Sebastian Hahn authored 13 years ago

72)     <li><a href="../dist/torbrowser/tor-browser-<version-torbrowserbundle>_fr.exe">&#x0046;&#x0072;&#x0061;&#x006e;&#x00e7;&#x0061;&#x0069;&#x0073; (fr)</a> (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/tor-browser-<version-torbrowserbundle>_fr.exe.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>)</li>
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

Sebastian Hahn Fix download links on the t...

Sebastian Hahn authored 13 years ago

74)     <li><a href="../dist/torbrowser/tor-browser-<version-torbrowserbundle>_it.exe">Italiano (it)</a> (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/tor-browser-<version-torbrowserbundle>_it.exe.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>)</li>
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

Sebastian Hahn Fix download links on the t...

Sebastian Hahn authored 13 years ago

76)     <li><a href="../dist/torbrowser/tor-browser-<version-torbrowserbundle>_nl.exe">Nederlands (nl)</a> (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/tor-browser-<version-torbrowserbundle>_nl.exe.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>)</li>
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

Sebastian Hahn Fix download links on the t...

Sebastian Hahn authored 13 years ago

78)     <li><a href="../dist/torbrowser/tor-browser-<version-torbrowserbundle>_pl.exe">Polish (pl)</a> (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/tor-browser-<version-torbrowserbundle>_pl.exe.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>)</li>
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

Sebastian Hahn Fix download links on the t...

Sebastian Hahn authored 13 years ago

80)     <li><a href="../dist/torbrowser/tor-browser-<version-torbrowserbundle>_pt-PT.exe">&#x0050;&#x006f;&#x0072;&#x0074;&#x0075;&#x0067;&#x0075;&#x00ea;&#x0073; (pt-PT)</a> (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/tor-browser-<version-torbrowserbundle>_pt-PT.exe.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>)</li>
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

Sebastian Hahn Fix download links on the t...

Sebastian Hahn authored 13 years ago

82)     <li><a href="../dist/torbrowser/tor-browser-<version-torbrowserbundle>_ru.exe">&#x0420;&#x0443;&#x0441;&#x0441;&#x043a;&#x0438;&#x0439; (ru)</a> (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/tor-browser-<version-torbrowserbundle>_ru.exe.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>)</li>
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

Sebastian Hahn Fix download links on the t...

Sebastian Hahn authored 13 years ago

84)     <li><a href="../dist/torbrowser/tor-browser-<version-torbrowserbundle>_vi.exe">Vietnamese (vi)</a> (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/tor-browser-<version-torbrowserbundle>_vi.exe.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>)</li>
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

Sebastian Hahn Fix download links on the t...

Sebastian Hahn authored 13 years ago

86)     <li><a href="../dist/torbrowser/tor-browser-<version-torbrowserbundle>_zh-CN.exe">&#x7b80;&#x4f53;&#x5b57; (zh-CN)</a> (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/tor-browser-<version-torbrowserbundle>_zh-CN.exe.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>)</li>
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

88)     </ul>
90)     <p id="Download-torimbrowserbundle" style="font-size: 120%; margin: 5mm">Tor IM Browser Bundle for Windows with Firefox and Pidgin (version <version-torimbrowserbundle>, 25 MB)</p>
Robert Ransom Remove TIMBB download links...

Robert Ransom authored 13 years ago

92) <p>
93) The Tor IM Browser Bundle has been <a href="https://blog.torproject.org/blog/tor-im-browser-bundle-discontinued-temporarily">temporarily discontinued</a>.
94) </p>
Erinn Clark add the OSX info back to th...

Erinn Clark authored 13 years ago

Erinn Clark add osx tbb screenshot

Erinn Clark authored 13 years ago

96)     <p id="Download-torbrowserbundleosx" style="font-size: 120%; margin: 5mm">BETA: Tor Browser Bundle for Intel Mac OS X 10.5 and higher with Firefox (version
Erinn Clark add the OSX info back to th...

Erinn Clark authored 13 years ago

97) <version-torbrowserbundleosx>, 28 MB)</p>
Erinn Clark update all versions of tor...

Erinn Clark authored 12 years ago

Erinn Clark add the OSX info back to th...

Erinn Clark authored 13 years ago

100)     <ul>
Erinn Clark update all versions of tor...

Erinn Clark authored 12 years ago

101)     <li>English (en-US): <a href="../dist/torbrowser/osx/TorBrowser-<version-torbrowserbundleosx>-dev-osx-i386-en-US.zip">32-bit</a> 
Erinn Clark add separators for the new...

Erinn Clark authored 12 years ago

102)     (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/osx/TorBrowser-<version-torbrowserbundleosx>-dev-osx-i386-en-US.zip.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>) | 
Erinn Clark update all versions of tor...

Erinn Clark authored 12 years ago

103)  <a href="../dist/torbrowser/osx/TorBrowser-<version-torbrowserbundleosx>-dev-osx-x86_64-en-US.zip">64-bit</a>
104)     (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/osx/TorBrowser-<version-torbrowserbundleosx>-dev-osx-x86_64-en-US.zip.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>)</li>
Erinn Clark add the OSX info back to th...

Erinn Clark authored 13 years ago

Erinn Clark update all versions of tor...

Erinn Clark authored 12 years ago

106)     <li>&#x0627;&#x0644;&#x0639;&#x0631;&#x0628;&#x064a;&#x0629; (ar):<a href="../dist/torbrowser/osx/TorBrowser-<version-torbrowserbundleosx>-dev-osx-i386-ar.zip">32-bit</a> 
Erinn Clark add separators for the new...

Erinn Clark authored 12 years ago

107)     (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/osx/TorBrowser-<version-torbrowserbundleosx>-dev-osx-i386-ar.zip.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>) | <a href="../dist/torbrowser/osx/TorBrowser-<version-torbrowserbundleosx>-dev-osx-x86_64-ar.zip">64-bit</a>
Erinn Clark update all versions of tor...

Erinn Clark authored 12 years ago

108)     (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/osx/TorBrowser-<version-torbrowserbundleosx>-dev-osx-x86_64-ar.zip.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>)</li>
Erinn Clark add the OSX info back to th...

Erinn Clark authored 13 years ago

Erinn Clark update all versions of tor...

Erinn Clark authored 12 years ago

110)     <li>Deutsch (de):<a href="../dist/torbrowser/osx/TorBrowser-<version-torbrowserbundleosx>-dev-osx-i386-de.zip">32-bit</a> 
Erinn Clark add separators for the new...

Erinn Clark authored 12 years ago

111)     (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/osx/TorBrowser-<version-torbrowserbundleosx>-dev-osx-i386-de.zip.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>) | 
Erinn Clark update all versions of tor...

Erinn Clark authored 12 years ago

112) <a href="../dist/torbrowser/osx/TorBrowser-<version-torbrowserbundleosx>-dev-osx-x86_64-de.zip">64-bit</a>
113)     (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/osx/TorBrowser-<version-torbrowserbundleosx>-dev-osx-x86_64-de.zip.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>)</li>
Erinn Clark add the OSX info back to th...

Erinn Clark authored 13 years ago

Erinn Clark update all versions of tor...

Erinn Clark authored 12 years ago

115)     <li>&#x0045;&#x0073;&#x0070;&#x0061;&#x00f1;&#x006f;&#x006c; (es-ES):<a href="../dist/torbrowser/osx/TorBrowser-<version-torbrowserbundleosx>-dev-osx-i386-es-ES.zip">32-bit</a> 
Erinn Clark add separators for the new...

Erinn Clark authored 12 years ago

116)     (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/osx/TorBrowser-<version-torbrowserbundleosx>-dev-osx-i386-es-ES.zip.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>) | 
Erinn Clark update all versions of tor...

Erinn Clark authored 12 years ago

117) <a href="../dist/torbrowser/osx/TorBrowser-<version-torbrowserbundleosx>-dev-osx-x86_64-es-ES.zip">64-bit</a>
118)     (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/osx/TorBrowser-<version-torbrowserbundleosx>-dev-osx-x86_64-es-ES.zip.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>)
119) </li>
Erinn Clark add the OSX info back to th...

Erinn Clark authored 13 years ago

Erinn Clark update all versions of tor...

Erinn Clark authored 12 years ago

121)     <li>&#x0641;&#x0627;&#x0631;&#x0633;&#x06cc; (fa):<a href="../dist/torbrowser/osx/TorBrowser-<version-torbrowserbundleosx>-dev-osx-i386-fa.zip">32-bit</a> 
Erinn Clark add separators for the new...

Erinn Clark authored 12 years ago

122)     (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/osx/TorBrowser-<version-torbrowserbundleosx>-dev-osx-i386-fa.zip.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>) | 
Erinn Clark update all versions of tor...

Erinn Clark authored 12 years ago

123) <a href="../dist/torbrowser/osx/TorBrowser-<version-torbrowserbundleosx>-dev-osx-x86_64-fa.zip">64-bit</a>
124)     (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/osx/TorBrowser-<version-torbrowserbundleosx>-dev-osx-x86_64-fa.zip.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>)
125) </li>
Erinn Clark add the OSX info back to th...

Erinn Clark authored 13 years ago

Erinn Clark update all versions of tor...

Erinn Clark authored 12 years ago

127)     <li>&#x0046;&#x0072;&#x0061;&#x006e;&#x00e7;&#x0061;&#x0069;&#x0073; (fr):<a href="../dist/torbrowser/osx/TorBrowser-<version-torbrowserbundleosx>-dev-osx-i386-fr.zip">32-bit</a> 
Erinn Clark add separators for the new...

Erinn Clark authored 12 years ago

128)     (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/osx/TorBrowser-<version-torbrowserbundleosx>-dev-osx-i386-fr.zip.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>) | 
Erinn Clark update all versions of tor...

Erinn Clark authored 12 years ago

129) <a href="../dist/torbrowser/osx/TorBrowser-<version-torbrowserbundleosx>-dev-osx-x86_64-fr.zip">64-bit</a>
130)     (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/osx/TorBrowser-<version-torbrowserbundleosx>-dev-osx-x86_64-fr.zip.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>)
131) </li>
Erinn Clark add the OSX info back to th...

Erinn Clark authored 13 years ago

Erinn Clark update all versions of tor...

Erinn Clark authored 12 years ago

133)     <li>Italiano (it):<a href="../dist/torbrowser/osx/TorBrowser-<version-torbrowserbundleosx>-dev-osx-i386-it.zip">32-bit</a> 
Erinn Clark add separators for the new...

Erinn Clark authored 12 years ago

134)     (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/osx/TorBrowser-<version-torbrowserbundleosx>-dev-osx-i386-it.zip.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>) |
Erinn Clark update all versions of tor...

Erinn Clark authored 12 years ago

135) <a href="../dist/torbrowser/osx/TorBrowser-<version-torbrowserbundleosx>-dev-osx-x86_64-it.zip">64-bit</a>
136)     (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/osx/TorBrowser-<version-torbrowserbundleosx>-dev-osx-x86_64-it.zip.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>)
Erinn Clark add the OSX info back to th...

Erinn Clark authored 13 years ago

Erinn Clark update all versions of tor...

Erinn Clark authored 12 years ago

138) </li>
Erinn Clark add the OSX info back to th...

Erinn Clark authored 13 years ago

Erinn Clark update all versions of tor...

Erinn Clark authored 12 years ago

140)     <li>Nederlands (nl):<a href="../dist/torbrowser/osx/TorBrowser-<version-torbrowserbundleosx>-dev-osx-i386-nl.zip">32-bit</a> 
Erinn Clark add separators for the new...

Erinn Clark authored 12 years ago

141)     (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/osx/TorBrowser-<version-torbrowserbundleosx>-dev-osx-i386-nl.zip.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>) |
Erinn Clark update all versions of tor...

Erinn Clark authored 12 years ago

142) <a href="../dist/torbrowser/osx/TorBrowser-<version-torbrowserbundleosx>-dev-osx-x86_64-nl.zip">64-bit</a>
143)     (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/osx/TorBrowser-<version-torbrowserbundleosx>-dev-osx-x86_64-nl.zip.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>)
144) </li>
146)     <li>Polish (pl):<a href="../dist/torbrowser/osx/TorBrowser-<version-torbrowserbundleosx>-dev-osx-i386-pl.zip">32-bit</a> 
Erinn Clark add separators for the new...

Erinn Clark authored 12 years ago

147)     (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/osx/TorBrowser-<version-torbrowserbundleosx>-dev-osx-i386-pl.zip.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>) |
Erinn Clark update all versions of tor...

Erinn Clark authored 12 years ago

148) <a href="../dist/torbrowser/osx/TorBrowser-<version-torbrowserbundleosx>-dev-osx-x86_64-pl.zip">64-bit</a>
149)     (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/osx/TorBrowser-<version-torbrowserbundleosx>-dev-osx-x86_64-pl.zip.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>)
150) </li>
Erinn Clark add the OSX info back to th...

Erinn Clark authored 13 years ago

Erinn Clark update all versions of tor...

Erinn Clark authored 12 years ago

152)     <li>&#x0050;&#x006f;&#x0072;&#x0074;&#x0075;&#x0067;&#x0075;&#x00ea;&#x0073; (pt-PT):<a href="../dist/torbrowser/osx/TorBrowser-<version-torbrowserbundleosx>-dev-osx-i386-pt-PT.zip">32-bit</a> 
Erinn Clark add separators for the new...

Erinn Clark authored 12 years ago

153)     (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/osx/TorBrowser-<version-torbrowserbundleosx>-dev-osx-i386-pt-PT.zip.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>) | 
Erinn Clark update all versions of tor...

Erinn Clark authored 12 years ago

154) <a href="../dist/torbrowser/osx/TorBrowser-<version-torbrowserbundleosx>-dev-osx-x86_64-pt-PT.zip">64-bit</a>
155)     (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/osx/TorBrowser-<version-torbrowserbundleosx>-dev-osx-x86_64-pt-PT.zip.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>)
156) </li>
Erinn Clark add the OSX info back to th...

Erinn Clark authored 13 years ago

Erinn Clark update all versions of tor...

Erinn Clark authored 12 years ago

158)     <li>&#x0420;&#x0443;&#x0441;&#x0441;&#x043a;&#x0438;&#x0439; (ru):<a href="../dist/torbrowser/osx/TorBrowser-<version-torbrowserbundleosx>-dev-osx-i386-ru.zip">32-bit</a> 
Erinn Clark add separators for the new...

Erinn Clark authored 12 years ago

159)     (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/osx/TorBrowser-<version-torbrowserbundleosx>-dev-osx-i386-ru.zip.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>) | 
Erinn Clark update all versions of tor...

Erinn Clark authored 12 years ago

160) <a href="../dist/torbrowser/osx/TorBrowser-<version-torbrowserbundleosx>-dev-osx-x86_64-ru.zip">64-bit</a>
161)     (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/osx/TorBrowser-<version-torbrowserbundleosx>-dev-osx-x86_64-ru.zip.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>)
162) </li>
Erinn Clark add the OSX info back to th...

Erinn Clark authored 13 years ago

Erinn Clark update all versions of tor...

Erinn Clark authored 12 years ago

164)     <li>&#x7b80;&#x4f53;&#x5b57; (zh-CN):<a href="../dist/torbrowser/osx/TorBrowser-<version-torbrowserbundleosx>-dev-osx-i386-zh-CN.zip">32-bit</a> 
Erinn Clark add separators for the new...

Erinn Clark authored 12 years ago

165)     (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/osx/TorBrowser-<version-torbrowserbundleosx>-dev-osx-i386-zh-CN.zip.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>) | 
Erinn Clark update all versions of tor...

Erinn Clark authored 12 years ago

166) <a href="../dist/torbrowser/osx/TorBrowser-<version-torbrowserbundleosx>-dev-osx-x86_64-zh-CN.zip">64-bit</a>
167)     (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/osx/TorBrowser-<version-torbrowserbundleosx>-dev-osx-x86_64-zh-CN.zip.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>)
168) </li>
Erinn Clark add the OSX info back to th...

Erinn Clark authored 13 years ago

Erinn Clark update all versions of tor...

Erinn Clark authored 12 years ago

170)     </ul>
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

Erinn Clark differentiate between 32bit...

Erinn Clark authored 13 years ago

172)     <p id="Download-torbrowserbundlelinux" style="font-size: 120%; margin: 5mm">BETA: Tor Browser Bundle for Linux with Firefox (version <version-torbrowserbundlelinux32> (32-bit), <version-torbrowserbundlelinux64> (64-bit), 24 MB)</p>
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

174)     <ul>
Andrew Lewman clarify that it's Intel Mac...

Andrew Lewman authored 13 years ago

175)     <li>English (en-US): <a
Erinn Clark change 'sig' to 'signature'...

Erinn Clark authored 12 years ago

176) href="../dist/torbrowser/linux/tor-browser-gnu-linux-i686-<version-torbrowserbundlelinux32>-dev-en-US.tar.gz">32-bit</a> (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/linux/tor-browser-gnu-linux-i686-<version-torbrowserbundlelinux32>-dev-en-US.tar.gz.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>) | <a href="../dist/torbrowser/linux/tor-browser-gnu-linux-x86_64-<version-torbrowserbundlelinux64>-dev-en-US.tar.gz">64-bit</a> (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/linux/tor-browser-gnu-linux-x86_64-<version-torbrowserbundlelinux64>-dev-en-US.tar.gz.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>)</li>
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

Erinn Clark change 'sig' to 'signature'...

Erinn Clark authored 12 years ago

178)     <li>&#x0627;&#x0644;&#x0639;&#x0631;&#x0628;&#x064a;&#x0629; (ar): <a href="../dist/torbrowser/linux/tor-browser-gnu-linux-i686-<version-torbrowserbundlelinux32>-dev-ar.tar.gz">32-bit</a> (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/linux/tor-browser-gnu-linux-i686-<version-torbrowserbundlelinux32>-dev-ar.tar.gz.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>) | <a href="../dist/torbrowser/linux/tor-browser-gnu-linux-x86_64-<version-torbrowserbundlelinux64>-dev-ar.tar.gz">64-bit</a> (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/linux/tor-browser-gnu-linux-x86_64-<version-torbrowserbundlelinux64>-dev-ar.tar.gz.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>)</li>
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

Erinn Clark change 'sig' to 'signature'...

Erinn Clark authored 12 years ago

180)     <li>Deutsch (de): <a href="../dist/torbrowser/linux/tor-browser-gnu-linux-i686-<version-torbrowserbundlelinux32>-dev-de.tar.gz">32-bit</a> (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/linux/tor-browser-gnu-linux-i686-<version-torbrowserbundlelinux32>-dev-de.tar.gz.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>) | <a href="../dist/torbrowser/linux/tor-browser-gnu-linux-x86_64-<version-torbrowserbundlelinux64>-dev-de.tar.gz">64-bit</a> (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/linux/tor-browser-gnu-linux-x86_64-<version-torbrowserbundlelinux64>-dev-de.tar.gz.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>)</li>
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

Erinn Clark change 'sig' to 'signature'...

Erinn Clark authored 12 years ago

182)     <li>&#x0045;&#x0073;&#x0070;&#x0061;&#x00f1;&#x006f;&#x006c; (es-ES): <a href="../dist/torbrowser/linux/tor-browser-gnu-linux-i686-<version-torbrowserbundlelinux32>-dev-es-ES.tar.gz">32-bit</a> (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/linux/tor-browser-gnu-linux-i686-<version-torbrowserbundlelinux32>-dev-es-ES.tar.gz.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>) | <a href="../dist/torbrowser/linux/tor-browser-gnu-linux-x86_64-<version-torbrowserbundlelinux64>-dev-es-ES.tar.gz">64-bit</a> (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/linux/tor-browser-gnu-linux-x86_64-<version-torbrowserbundlelinux64>-dev-es-ES.tar.gz.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>)</li>
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

Erinn Clark change 'sig' to 'signature'...

Erinn Clark authored 12 years ago

184)     <li>&#x0641;&#x0627;&#x0631;&#x0633;&#x06cc; (fa): <a href="../dist/torbrowser/linux/tor-browser-gnu-linux-i686-<version-torbrowserbundlelinux32>-dev-fa.tar.gz">32-bit</a> (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/linux/tor-browser-gnu-linux-i686-<version-torbrowserbundlelinux32>-dev-fa.tar.gz.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>) | <a href="../dist/torbrowser/linux/tor-browser-gnu-linux-x86_64-<version-torbrowserbundlelinux64>-dev-fa.tar.gz">64-bit</a> (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/linux/tor-browser-gnu-linux-x86_64-<version-torbrowserbundlelinux64>-dev-fa.tar.gz.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>)</li>
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

Erinn Clark change 'sig' to 'signature'...

Erinn Clark authored 12 years ago

186)     <li>&#x0046;&#x0072;&#x0061;&#x006e;&#x00e7;&#x0061;&#x0069;&#x0073; (fr): <a href="../dist/torbrowser/linux/tor-browser-gnu-linux-i686-<version-torbrowserbundlelinux32>-dev-fr.tar.gz">32-bit</a> (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/linux/tor-browser-gnu-linux-i686-<version-torbrowserbundlelinux32>-dev-fr.tar.gz.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>) | <a href="../dist/torbrowser/linux/tor-browser-gnu-linux-x86_64-<version-torbrowserbundlelinux64>-dev-fr.tar.gz">64-bit</a> (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/linux/tor-browser-gnu-linux-x86_64-<version-torbrowserbundlelinux64>-dev-fr.tar.gz.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>)</li>
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

Erinn Clark change 'sig' to 'signature'...

Erinn Clark authored 12 years ago

188)     <li>Italiano (it): <a href="../dist/torbrowser/linux/tor-browser-gnu-linux-i686-<version-torbrowserbundlelinux32>-dev-it.tar.gz">32-bit</a> (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/linux/tor-browser-gnu-linux-i686-<version-torbrowserbundlelinux32>-dev-it.tar.gz.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>) | <a href="../dist/torbrowser/linux/tor-browser-gnu-linux-x86_64-<version-torbrowserbundlelinux64>-dev-it.tar.gz">64-bit</a> (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/linux/tor-browser-gnu-linux-x86_64-<version-torbrowserbundlelinux64>-dev-it.tar.gz.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>)</li>
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

Erinn Clark change 'sig' to 'signature'...

Erinn Clark authored 12 years ago

190)     <li>Nederlands (nl): <a href="../dist/torbrowser/linux/tor-browser-gnu-linux-i686-<version-torbrowserbundlelinux32>-dev-nl.tar.gz">32-bit</a> (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/linux/tor-browser-gnu-linux-i686-<version-torbrowserbundlelinux32>-dev-nl.tar.gz.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>) | <a href="../dist/torbrowser/linux/tor-browser-gnu-linux-x86_64-<version-torbrowserbundlelinux64>-dev-nl.tar.gz">64-bit</a> (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/linux/tor-browser-gnu-linux-x86_64-<version-torbrowserbundlelinux64>-dev-nl.tar.gz.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>)</li>
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

Erinn Clark change 'sig' to 'signature'...

Erinn Clark authored 12 years ago

192)     <li>Polish (pl): <a href="../dist/torbrowser/linux/tor-browser-gnu-linux-i686-<version-torbrowserbundlelinux32>-dev-pl.tar.gz">32-bit</a> (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/linux/tor-browser-gnu-linux-i686-<version-torbrowserbundlelinux32>-dev-pl.tar.gz.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>) | <a href="../dist/torbrowser/linux/tor-browser-gnu-linux-x86_64-<version-torbrowserbundlelinux64>-dev-pl.tar.gz">64-bit</a> (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/linux/tor-browser-gnu-linux-x86_64-<version-torbrowserbundlelinux64>-dev-pl.tar.gz.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>)</li>
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

Erinn Clark change 'sig' to 'signature'...

Erinn Clark authored 12 years ago

194)     <li>&#x0050;&#x006f;&#x0072;&#x0074;&#x0075;&#x0067;&#x0075;&#x00ea;&#x0073; (pt-PT): <a href="../dist/torbrowser/linux/tor-browser-gnu-linux-i686-<version-torbrowserbundlelinux32>-dev-pt-PT.tar.gz">32-bit</a> (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/linux/tor-browser-gnu-linux-i686-<version-torbrowserbundlelinux32>-dev-pt-PT.tar.gz.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>) | <a href="../dist/torbrowser/linux/tor-browser-gnu-linux-x86_64-<version-torbrowserbundlelinux64>-dev-pt-PT.tar.gz">64-bit</a> (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/linux/tor-browser-gnu-linux-x86_64-<version-torbrowserbundlelinux64>-dev-pt-PT.tar.gz.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>)</li>
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

Erinn Clark change 'sig' to 'signature'...

Erinn Clark authored 12 years ago

196)     <li>&#x0420;&#x0443;&#x0441;&#x0441;&#x043a;&#x0438;&#x0439; (ru): <a href="../dist/torbrowser/linux/tor-browser-gnu-linux-i686-<version-torbrowserbundlelinux32>-dev-ru.tar.gz">32-bit</a> (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/linux/tor-browser-gnu-linux-i686-<version-torbrowserbundlelinux32>-dev-ru.tar.gz.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>) | <a href="../dist/torbrowser/linux/tor-browser-gnu-linux-x86_64-<version-torbrowserbundlelinux64>-dev-ru.tar.gz">64-bit</a> (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/linux/tor-browser-gnu-linux-x86_64-<version-torbrowserbundlelinux64>-dev-ru.tar.gz.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>)</li>
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

Erinn Clark change 'sig' to 'signature'...

Erinn Clark authored 12 years ago

198)     <li>&#x7b80;&#x4f53;&#x5b57; (zh-CN): <a href="../dist/torbrowser/linux/tor-browser-gnu-linux-i686-<version-torbrowserbundlelinux32>-dev-zh-CN.tar.gz">32-bit</a> (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/linux/tor-browser-gnu-linux-i686-<version-torbrowserbundlelinux32>-dev-zh-CN.tar.gz.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>) | <a href="../dist/torbrowser/linux/tor-browser-gnu-linux-x86_64-<version-torbrowserbundlelinux64>-dev-zh-CN.tar.gz">64-bit</a> (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/linux/tor-browser-gnu-linux-x86_64-<version-torbrowserbundlelinux64>-dev-zh-CN.tar.gz.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">signature</a>)</li>
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

200)     </ul>
204)     <p>See our instructions on <a href="<page docs/verifying-signatures>">how
205)     to verify package signatures</a>, which allows you to make sure you've
206)     downloaded the file we intended you to get.
207)     Also, note that the Firefox in our bundles is <a
Andrew Lewman replicate the tbb repo link...

Andrew Lewman authored 13 years ago

208)     href="<tbbrepo>/build-scripts/config/">modified</a>
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

209)     from the <a href="http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/">default Firefox</a>;
210)     we're currently working with Mozilla to see if they want
211)     us to change the name to make this clearer.
212)     </p>
Erinn Clark add the OSX info back to th...

Erinn Clark authored 13 years ago

214)     <a id="MacOSX"></a>
215)     <h3><a class="anchor" href="#MacOSX">Mac OS X instructions</a></h3>
216)     <p>Download the file above, save it somewhere, then click on it. Mac OS
217)     X will automatically unarchive it and you will have a TorBrowser
218)     application in your chosen language (for example, TorBrowser_en-US.app).
Erinn Clark add rransom's proposed impr...

Erinn Clark authored 13 years ago

219)     Click the TorBrowser application to launch Vidalia.  Once Vidalia connects to Tor, it will
Erinn Clark add the OSX info back to th...

Erinn Clark authored 13 years ago

220)     launch Firefox.</p>
Erinn Clark add osx tbb screenshot

Erinn Clark authored 13 years ago

222)     <p><img src="$(IMGROOT)/screenshot-osx-torbrowser-icon.png" alt="Screenshot Mac OS X bundle" /></p>
Erinn Clark add the OSX info back to th...

Erinn Clark authored 13 years ago

Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

224)     <a id="Linux"></a>
225)     <h3><a class="anchor" href="#Linux">Linux instructions</a></h3>
226)     <p>Download the architecture-appropriate file above, save it somewhere, then
Robert Ransom Format the Linux TBB instru...

Robert Ransom authored 13 years ago

227)     run:<br> <code>tar -xvzf
228)     tor-browser-gnu-linux-i686-<version-torbrowserbundlelinux32>-dev-<var>LANG</var>.tar.gz</code> or
229)     <code>tor-browser-gnu-linux-x86_64-<version-torbrowserbundlelinux64>-dev-<var>LANG</var>.tar.gz</code> (where
Robert Ransom Finish formatting the Linux...

Robert Ransom authored 13 years ago

230)     <var>LANG</var> is the language listed in the filename), and either double click on the
Robert Ransom Format the Linux TBB instru...

Robert Ransom authored 13 years ago

231)     directory or <code>cd</code> into it, then execute the <strong>start-tor-browser</strong>
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

232)     script. This will launch Vidalia and once that connects to Tor, it will launch
Robert Ransom Warn users to not unpack or...

Robert Ransom authored 13 years ago

233)     Firefox. <em>Do not unpack or run TBB as root.</em></p>
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

Robert Ransom Label the Windows TBB instr...

Robert Ransom authored 13 years ago

235)     <a id="Windows"></a>
236)     <h3><a class="anchor" href="#Windows">Windows instructions</a></h3>
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

238)     <a id="Extraction"></a>
Robert Ransom Label the Windows TBB instr...

Robert Ransom authored 13 years ago

239)     <h4><a class="anchor" href="#Extraction">Extraction</a></h4>
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

241)     <p>Download the file above, and save it somewhere, then double click on it.
242)     Click on the button labelled <strong>"..."</strong> (1) and select where you want
243)     to save the bundle then click <strong>OK</strong> (2). At least 50&nbsp;MB free
244)     space must be available in the location you select. If you want to leave the
245)     bundle on the computer, saving it to the Desktop is a good choice. If you want
246)     to move it to a different computer or limit the traces you leave behind, save
247)     it to a USB disk.</p>
249)     <p>Click <strong>Extract</strong> (3) to begin extraction. This may take a
250)     few minutes to complete.</p>
Andrew Lewman Fix the tor browser images...

Andrew Lewman authored 12 years ago

252)     <p><img src="$(IMGROOT)/tbb-screenshot1.jpg" alt="Screenshot of
Runa A. Sandvik updated translations for th...

Runa A. Sandvik authored 13 years ago

253) extraction process" /></p>
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

255)     <a id="Usage"></a>
Robert Ransom Label the Windows TBB instr...

Robert Ransom authored 13 years ago

256)     <h4><a class="anchor" href="#Usage">Usage</a></h4>
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

258)     <p>Once extraction is complete, open the folder <strong>Tor Browser</strong> from the location you saved the bundle.</p>
260)     <p>Double click on the <strong>Start Tor Browser</strong> (4) application (it may be called
261)     <strong>Start Tor Browser.exe</strong> on some systems.)</p>
263)     <p>The Vidalia window will shortly appear.</p>
Andrew Lewman Fix the tor browser images...

Andrew Lewman authored 12 years ago

265)     <p><img src="$(IMGROOT)/tbb-screenshot2.jpg" alt="Screenshot of
Runa A. Sandvik updated translations for th...

Runa A. Sandvik authored 13 years ago

266) bundle startup" /></p>
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

268)     <p>Once Tor is ready, Firefox will automatically be opened. Only web pages
269)     visited through the included Firefox browser will be sent via Tor. Other web
270)     browsers such as Internet Explorer are not affected. Make sure that it says
271)     <span style="color: #0a0">"Tor Enabled"</span> (5) in the bottom right corner
272)     before using it. To reduce the risk of confusion, don't run Firefox while using
273)     the Tor Browser Bundle, and close existing Firefox windows before starting.</p>
275)     <p>If you installed the Tor IM Browser Bundle, the Pidgin instant messaging client will also be automatically opened.</p>
277)     <p>Once you are finished browsing, close any open Firefox windows by clicking
Runa A. Sandvik updated translations for th...

Runa A. Sandvik authored 13 years ago

278)     on the <img src="$(IMGROOT)/tbb-close-button.png" alt="Close button
279) (&times;)" /> (6).
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

280)     For privacy reasons, the list of
281)     webpages you visited and any cookies will be deleted.</p>
Andrew Lewman Fix the tor browser images...

Andrew Lewman authored 12 years ago

283)     <p><img src="$(IMGROOT)/tbb-screenshot3a.jpg" alt="Screenshot of
Runa A. Sandvik updated translations for th...

Runa A. Sandvik authored 13 years ago

284) Firefox" /></p>
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

286)     <p>With the Tor Browser Bundle, Vidalia and Tor will automatically close. With the Tor IM Browser Bundle you need to also close Pidgin by right-clicking on the Pidgin icon (7), and choosing Quit (8).</p>
Andrew Lewman Fix the tor browser images...

Andrew Lewman authored 12 years ago

288)     <p><img src="$(IMGROOT)/tbb-screenshot3b.jpg" alt="Screenshot of
Runa A. Sandvik updated translations for th...

Runa A. Sandvik authored 13 years ago

289) Pidgin" /></p>
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

291)     <p>To use the Tor Browser Bundle or Tor IM Browser Bundle again, repeat the steps in <a href="#Usage">"Usage"</a>.</p>
293)     <p>Remember that Tor anonymizes the origin of your traffic, and it
Andrew Lewman fix paths to torbrowser ima...

Andrew Lewman authored 13 years ago

294)     encrypts everything inside the Tor network, but <a href="<wikifaq>#ExitEavesdroppers">it
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

295)     can't encrypt your traffic between the Tor network and its final
296)     destination.</a> If you are communicating sensitive information, you
297)     should use as much care as you would on the normal scary Internet &mdash;
298)     use HTTPS or other end-to-end encryption and authentication.
299)     </p>
301)     <a id="Feedback"></a>
302)     <h3><a class="anchor" href="#Feedback">Comments and suggestions</a></h3>
304)     <p>The Tor Browser Bundle is under development and not yet complete.
305)     To discuss improvements and submit comments, please use the <a
Robert Ransom Update mailing list subscri...

Robert Ransom authored 13 years ago

306)     href="https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-talk">tor-talk</a>
307)     mailing list.</p>
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

309)     <a id="More"></a>
310)     <h3><a class="anchor" href="#More">More information</a></h3>
312)     <p><strong>What is Tor and why do I need it?</strong> To learn more about Tor, visit the <a
Andrew Lewman change all of the breadcrum...

Andrew Lewman authored 13 years ago

313)     href="<page index>">Tor Project
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

314)     website</a>.</p>
316)     <p><strong>What is in the Tor Browser Bundle?</strong> It
Erinn Clark update all versions of tor...

Erinn Clark authored 12 years ago

317)     contains Tor, Vidalia, Firefox, and Torbutton (<a
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

318)     href="<page projects/torbrowser-details>#contents">learn more</a>).</p>
320)     <p><strong>What is in the Tor IM Browser Bundle?</strong> It
Erinn Clark update all versions of tor...

Erinn Clark authored 12 years ago

321)     contains Tor, Vidalia, Firefox, Torbutton, Pidgin and OTR (<a