Peter Palfrader Move website to wml

Peter Palfrader authored 19 years ago

en/download.wml   1) ## translation metadata
Peter Palfrader In CVS the magic keyword is...

Peter Palfrader authored 19 years ago

en/download.wml   2) # Revision: $Revision$
Peter Palfrader Implement translation prior...

Peter Palfrader authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml   3) # Translation-Priority: 1-high
le@svn.torproject.org made a simple change to the...

le@svn.torproject.org authored 19 years ago

download.html     4) 
Peter Palfrader Move website to wml

Peter Palfrader authored 19 years ago

en/download.wml   5) #include "head.wmi" TITLE="Download"
Thomas Sjögren Missed a line when updating...

Thomas Sjögren authored 19 years ago

download.html     6) 
Roger Dingledine convert the rest of the pag...

Roger Dingledine authored 20 years ago

download.html     7) <div class="main-column">
Roger Dingledine first cut of new website

Roger Dingledine authored 20 years ago

download.html     8) 
Roger Dingledine move jeff's new download pa...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml   9) <h2>Download current Tor version</h2>
Roger Dingledine first cut of new website

Roger Dingledine authored 20 years ago

download.html    10) 
Roger Dingledine a bit more polish

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml  11) <hr />
en/download.wml  12) 
Roger Dingledine move jeff's new download pa...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml  13) <p>
en/download.wml  14) Tor is distributed as <a href="http://www.fsf.org/">Free Software</a>
Roger Dingledine "tor", from the perspective...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml  15) under the <a href="<svnsandbox>LICENSE">3-clause BSD license</a>. The
en/download.wml  16) bundles also include <a href="http://vidalia-project.net/">Vidalia</a>
Roger Dingledine sometimes grammar can be cl...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml  17) and <a href="http://www.privoxy.org/">Privoxy</a>, which are supporting
en/download.wml  18) applications distributed under the GNU GPL.
Roger Dingledine "tor", from the perspective...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml  19) </p>
en/download.wml  20) 
en/download.wml  21) <p>
Roger Dingledine fix up the html a bit

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml  22) There is no fee for installing Tor or using the Tor network, but
Roger Dingledine cleanups and fixes; move th...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml  23) if you want Tor to become faster and more usable please consider
en/download.wml  24) <a href="<page donate>">making a tax-deductible donation to The Tor Project</a>.
Roger Dingledine mention donations on the do...

Roger Dingledine authored 19 years ago

en/download.wml  25) </p>
en/download.wml  26) 
Roger Dingledine move jeff's new download pa...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml  27) <table width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
en/download.wml  28) <thead>
en/download.wml  29) <tr>
en/download.wml  30) <th>Platform</th>
en/download.wml  31) <th>Package</th>
en/download.wml  32) </tr>
en/download.wml  33) </thead>
Roger Dingledine mention our license promine...

Roger Dingledine authored 20 years ago

download.html    34) 
Roger Dingledine move jeff's new download pa...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml  35) <tr>
Jens Kubieziel - made the document more HT...

Jens Kubieziel authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml  36) <td>Windows<br /><a href="<page docs/tor-doc-win32>">Install &amp; configure guide</a></td>
Roger Dingledine move jeff's new download pa...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml  37) <td>
Roger Dingledine if the goal is really to gi...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml  38) Tor &amp; Privoxy &amp; Vidalia &amp; Torbutton bundle:
Roger Dingledine move jeff's new download pa...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml  39) <a href="<package-win32-bundle-stable>"><version-win32-bundle-stable></a> (<a href="<package-win32-bundle-stable-sig>">sig</a>)
en/download.wml  40) </td>
en/download.wml  41) </tr>
Roger Dingledine move the warnings around a...

Roger Dingledine authored 18 years ago

en/download.wml  42) 
Roger Dingledine move jeff's new download pa...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml  43) <tr>
en/download.wml  44) <td>
Jens Kubieziel - made the document more HT...

Jens Kubieziel authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml  45) Mac OS X<br />
Roger Dingledine fix up the html a bit

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml  46) <a href="<page docs/tor-doc-osx>">Install &amp; configure guide</a>
Roger Dingledine move jeff's new download pa...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml  47) </td>
Roger Dingledine move the warnings around a...

Roger Dingledine authored 18 years ago

en/download.wml  48) 
Roger Dingledine move jeff's new download pa...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml  49) <td>
Roger Dingledine say that torbutton is in th...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml  50) Tor &amp; Privoxy &amp; Vidalia &amp; Torbutton bundle:<br />
Andrew Lewman Update the OSX descriptions...

Andrew Lewman authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml  51) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Universal Binary (OSX 10.4 &amp; 10.5):
Roger Dingledine move jeff's new download pa...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml  52) <a href="<package-osx-bundle-stable>"><version-osx-bundle-stable></a> (<a href="<package-osx-bundle-stable-sig>">sig</a>)
Roger Dingledine move the warnings around a...

Roger Dingledine authored 18 years ago

en/download.wml  53) 
Jens Kubieziel - made the document more HT...

Jens Kubieziel authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml  54) <br />
Roger Dingledine fix up the html a bit

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml  55) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 10.3 (Panther):
Roger Dingledine move jeff's new download pa...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml  56) <a href="<package-oldosx-bundle-stable>"><version-oldosx-bundle-stable></a> (<a
en/download.wml  57) href="<package-oldosx-bundle-stable-sig>">sig</a>)
en/download.wml  58) </td>
en/download.wml  59) </tr>
en/download.wml  60) 
en/download.wml  61) <tr>
en/download.wml  62) <td>
Roger Dingledine don't link to tor-doc-unix...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml  63) Linux/Unix packages
Roger Dingledine move jeff's new download pa...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml  64) </td>
en/download.wml  65) <td><a href="<page download-unix>">Linux/Unix download page</a></td>
en/download.wml  66) </tr>
en/download.wml  67) 
en/download.wml  68) </table>
Roger Dingledine move the warnings around a...

Roger Dingledine authored 18 years ago

en/download.wml  69) 
Jens Kubieziel - made the document more HT...

Jens Kubieziel authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml  70) <br />
Roger Dingledine add some more release blurb...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml  71) 
Shava Nerad moved warnings to top of th...

Shava Nerad authored 18 years ago

en/download.wml  72) <a id="Warning"></a>
Roger Dingledine cleanups and fixes; move th...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml  73) <h2><a class="anchor" href="#Warning">Warning: Want Tor to really
en/download.wml  74) work?</a></h2>
Shava Nerad moved warnings to top of th...

Shava Nerad authored 18 years ago

en/download.wml  75) 
Roger Dingledine move the warnings around a...

Roger Dingledine authored 18 years ago

en/download.wml  76) <p>...then please don't just install it and go on.  You need to change
en/download.wml  77) some of your habits, and reconfigure your software!
Jens Kubieziel - made the document more HT...

Jens Kubieziel authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml  78) Tor by itself is <em>NOT</em> all you need to maintain your anonymity.
Roger Dingledine move jeff's new download pa...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml  79) There are several major pitfalls to watch out for:
Shava Nerad moved warnings to top of th...

Shava Nerad authored 18 years ago

en/download.wml  80) </p>
en/download.wml  81) 
Andrew Lewman Update the homepage to visu...

Andrew Lewman authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml  82) <ol>
en/download.wml  83) <li>Tor only protects Internet applications that are configured to
Shava Nerad moved warnings to top of th...

Shava Nerad authored 18 years ago

en/download.wml  84) send their traffic through Tor &mdash; it doesn't magically anonymize
en/download.wml  85) all your traffic just because you install it.  We recommend you
en/download.wml  86) use <a href="http://www.mozilla.org/firefox">Firefox</a> with the <a
en/download.wml  87) href="https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/2275/">Torbutton</a> extension.
Andrew Lewman Update the homepage to visu...

Andrew Lewman authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml  88) </li>
Shava Nerad moved warnings to top of th...

Shava Nerad authored 18 years ago

en/download.wml  89) 
Andrew Lewman Update the homepage to visu...

Andrew Lewman authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml  90) <li>Browser plugins such as Java, Flash, ActiveX, RealPlayer,
Shava Nerad moved warnings to top of th...

Shava Nerad authored 18 years ago

en/download.wml  91) Quicktime, Adobe's PDF plugin, and others can be manipulated
Nick Mathewson Website tweaks from sjmurdo...

Nick Mathewson authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml  92) into revealing your IP address. You should probably
en/download.wml  93) <a href="http://plugindoc.mozdev.org/faqs/uninstall.html">uninstall your
en/download.wml  94) plugins</a>
Roger Dingledine move the warnings around a...

Roger Dingledine authored 18 years ago

en/download.wml  95) (go to "about:plugins" to see what is installed), or investigate <a
en/download.wml  96) href="https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/1237/">QuickJava</a>, <a
en/download.wml  97) href="https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/433/">FlashBlock</a>, and
Nick Mathewson Change NoScript URL at requ...

Nick Mathewson authored 18 years ago

en/download.wml  98) <a href="http://noscript.net/">NoScript</a>
Roger Dingledine yet another inflammatory re...

Roger Dingledine authored 18 years ago

en/download.wml  99) if you really need them. Consider removing extensions that look up
en/download.wml 100) more information about the websites you type in (like Google toolbar),
en/download.wml 101) as they may bypass Tor and/or broadcast sensitive information. Some
en/download.wml 102) people prefer using two browsers (one for Tor, one for unsafe browsing).
Andrew Lewman Update the homepage to visu...

Andrew Lewman authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 103) </li>
Shava Nerad moved warnings to top of th...

Shava Nerad authored 18 years ago

en/download.wml 104) 
Andrew Lewman Update the homepage to visu...

Andrew Lewman authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 105) <li>Beware of cookies: if you ever browse without Tor and Privoxy
Shava Nerad moved warnings to top of th...

Shava Nerad authored 18 years ago

en/download.wml 106) and a site gives you a cookie, that cookie could identify you even when
en/download.wml 107) you start using Tor again. You should clear your cookies frequently. <a
en/download.wml 108) href="https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/82/">CookieCuller</a> can help
en/download.wml 109) protect any cookies you do not want to lose.
Andrew Lewman Update the homepage to visu...

Andrew Lewman authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 110) </li>
Shava Nerad moved warnings to top of th...

Shava Nerad authored 18 years ago

en/download.wml 111) 
Andrew Lewman Update the homepage to visu...

Andrew Lewman authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 112) <li>Tor anonymizes the origin of your traffic,
Shava Nerad moved warnings to top of th...

Shava Nerad authored 18 years ago

en/download.wml 113) and it encrypts everything inside the Tor network, but <a
Nick Mathewson Change all wiki.noreply to...

Nick Mathewson authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 114) href="https://wiki.torproject.org/noreply/TheOnionRouter/TorFAQ#ExitEavesdroppers">it
Shava Nerad moved warnings to top of th...

Shava Nerad authored 18 years ago

en/download.wml 115) can't encrypt your traffic between the Tor network and its final
en/download.wml 116) destination.</a>
en/download.wml 117) If you are communicating sensitive information, you should use as much
Nick Mathewson Website tweaks from sjmurdo...

Nick Mathewson authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 118) care as you would on the normal scary Internet &mdash; use HTTPS or other
Roger Dingledine move the warnings around a...

Roger Dingledine authored 18 years ago

en/download.wml 119) end-to-end encryption and authentication.
Andrew Lewman Update the homepage to visu...

Andrew Lewman authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 120) </li>
Roger Dingledine move the warnings around a...

Roger Dingledine authored 18 years ago

en/download.wml 121) 
Andrew Lewman Update the homepage to visu...

Andrew Lewman authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 122) <li>While Tor blocks attackers
Shava Nerad moved warnings to top of th...

Shava Nerad authored 18 years ago

en/download.wml 123) on your local network from discovering or influencing your destination,
en/download.wml 124) it opens new risks: malicious or misconfigured Tor exit nodes can send
en/download.wml 125) you the wrong page, or even send you embedded Java applets disguised as
en/download.wml 126) domains you trust.
Andrew Lewman Update the homepage to visu...

Andrew Lewman authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 127) </li>
en/download.wml 128) </ol>
Shava Nerad moved warnings to top of th...

Shava Nerad authored 18 years ago

en/download.wml 129) 
Roger Dingledine move the warnings around a...

Roger Dingledine authored 18 years ago

en/download.wml 130) <p>Be smart and learn more. Understand what Tor does and does not offer.
en/download.wml 131) This list of pitfalls isn't complete, and we need your
Shava Nerad moved warnings to top of th...

Shava Nerad authored 18 years ago

en/download.wml 132) help <a href="<page volunteer>#Documentation">identifying and documenting
en/download.wml 133) all the issues</a>.
en/download.wml 134) </p>
en/download.wml 135) 
Roger Dingledine cleanups and fixes; move th...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 136) <p>
en/download.wml 137) To keep informed of security advisories and new stable releases, subscribe
en/download.wml 138) to the <a href="http://archives.seul.org/or/announce/">or-announce
Roger Dingledine a bit more polish

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 139) mailing list</a> (you will be asked to confirm via email). You can also
Roger Dingledine cleanups and fixes; move th...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 140) <a href="http://rss.gmane.org/gmane.network.onion-routing.announce">watch
Roger Dingledine a bit more polish

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 141) the list's RSS feed</a>.
Roger Dingledine cleanups and fixes; move th...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 142) </p>
en/download.wml 143) 
en/download.wml 144) <form action="http://freehaven.net/cgi-bin/majordomo.cgi">
en/download.wml 145) <input type="hidden" name="mlist" value="or-announce">
en/download.wml 146) <input type="hidden" name="subscribe" value="1">
en/download.wml 147) <input type="hidden" name="host" value="freehaven.net">
en/download.wml 148) <input name="email" size="15">
Roger Dingledine a bit more polish

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 149) <input type="submit" value="subscribe to or-announce">
Roger Dingledine cleanups and fixes; move th...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 150) </form>
en/download.wml 151) 
Roger Dingledine a bit more polish

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 152) <hr />
en/download.wml 153) 
Roger Dingledine put an anchor on the "dev d...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 154) <a id="Dev"></a>
en/download.wml 155) <h2><a class="anchor" href="#Dev">Development releases, packages for
en/download.wml 156) experts, and source code</a></h2>
Roger Dingledine move jeff's new download pa...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 157) 
en/download.wml 158) <p>
Roger Dingledine cleanups and fixes; move th...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 159) These development snapshots are released so you can help us test new
Roger Dingledine a bit more polish

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 160) features and bugfixes. Even though they have a higher version number
Roger Dingledine cleanups and fixes; move th...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 161) than the stable versions listed above, there is a much higher chance
en/download.wml 162) of serious reliability and security bugs in these downloads. Please be
Jens Kubieziel - link to bugreport page

Jens Kubieziel authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 163) prepared to <a href="https://bugs.torproject.org/">report bugs</a>.
Roger Dingledine move jeff's new download pa...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 164) </p>
en/download.wml 165) 
en/download.wml 166) <table width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
Jens Kubieziel made table header more conf...

Jens Kubieziel authored 19 years ago

en/download.wml 167) <thead>
Peter Palfrader Apply nile's patch for the...

Peter Palfrader authored 19 years ago

en/download.wml 168) <tr>
Jens Kubieziel made table header more conf...

Jens Kubieziel authored 19 years ago

en/download.wml 169) <th>Platform</th>
en/download.wml 170) <th>Package</th>
Peter Palfrader Apply nile's patch for the...

Peter Palfrader authored 19 years ago

en/download.wml 171) </tr>
Jens Kubieziel made table header more conf...

Jens Kubieziel authored 19 years ago

en/download.wml 172) </thead>
Peter Palfrader Apply nile's patch for the...

Peter Palfrader authored 19 years ago

en/download.wml 173) 
en/download.wml 174) <tr>
Jens Kubieziel - made the document more HT...

Jens Kubieziel authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 175) <td>Windows<br /><a href="<page docs/tor-doc-win32>">Install &amp; configure guide</a></td>
Roger Dingledine move jeff's new download pa...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 176) <td>
Roger Dingledine say that torbutton is in th...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 177) Tor &amp; Privoxy &amp; Vidalia &amp; <a
en/download.wml 178) href="https://torbutton.torproject.org/dev/">Torbutton-dev</a> bundle
en/download.wml 179) (recommended):
Roger Dingledine move jeff's new download pa...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 180) <a href="<package-win32-bundle-alpha>"><version-win32-bundle-alpha></a> (<a href="<package-win32-bundle-alpha-sig>">sig</a>)
Jens Kubieziel - made the document more HT...

Jens Kubieziel authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 181) <br />
Roger Dingledine cleanups and fixes; move th...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 182) Expert install:
Roger Dingledine if the goal is really to gi...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 183) <a href="<package-win32-stable>"><version-win32-stable></a>
en/download.wml 184) (<a href="<package-win32-stable-sig>">sig</a>),
Roger Dingledine move jeff's new download pa...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 185) <a href="<package-win32-alpha>"><version-win32-alpha></a>
en/download.wml 186) (<a href="<package-win32-alpha-sig>">sig</a>)
Roger Dingledine start pointing to the vidal...

Roger Dingledine authored 18 years ago

en/download.wml 187) </td>
Peter Palfrader Apply nile's patch for the...

Peter Palfrader authored 19 years ago

en/download.wml 188) </tr>
en/download.wml 189) 
Peter Palfrader Make it more obvious that t...

Peter Palfrader authored 19 years ago

en/download.wml 190) <tr>
Roger Dingledine move jeff's new download pa...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 191) <td>
Jens Kubieziel - made the document more HT...

Jens Kubieziel authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 192) Mac OS X<br />
Roger Dingledine fix up the html a bit

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 193) <a href="<page docs/tor-doc-osx>">Install &amp; configure guide</a>
Peter Palfrader Make it more obvious that t...

Peter Palfrader authored 19 years ago

en/download.wml 194) </td>
en/download.wml 195) 
Roger Dingledine move jeff's new download pa...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 196) <td>
Roger Dingledine say that torbutton is in th...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 197) Tor &amp; Privoxy &amp; Vidalia &amp; <a
en/download.wml 198) href="https://torbutton.torproject.org/dev/">Torbutton-dev</a> bundle
en/download.wml 199) (recommended):<br />
Andrew Lewman Update the OSX descriptions...

Andrew Lewman authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 200) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Universal Binary (10.4 &amp; 10.5):
Roger Dingledine move jeff's new download pa...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 201) <a href="<package-osx-bundle-alpha>"><version-osx-bundle-alpha></a> (<a href="<package-osx-bundle-alpha-sig>">sig</a>)
en/download.wml 202) 
Jens Kubieziel - made the document more HT...

Jens Kubieziel authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 203) <br />
Roger Dingledine fix up the html a bit

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 204) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 10.3 (Panther):
Roger Dingledine move jeff's new download pa...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 205) <a href="<package-oldosx-bundle-alpha>"><version-oldosx-bundle-alpha></a> (<a
en/download.wml 206) href="<package-oldosx-bundle-alpha-sig>">sig</a>)
en/download.wml 207) 
Jens Kubieziel - made the document more HT...

Jens Kubieziel authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 208) <br />
Roger Dingledine fix up the html a bit

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 209) Packages for experts:
Jens Kubieziel - made the document more HT...

Jens Kubieziel authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 210) Tor &amp; Privoxy only:<br />
Andrew Lewman Update the OSX descriptions...

Andrew Lewman authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 211) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Universal Binary (OSX 10.4 &amp; 10.5):
Roger Dingledine if the goal is really to gi...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 212) <a href="<package-osx-stable>"><version-osx-stable></a> (<a href="<package-osx-stable-sig>">sig</a>),
Roger Dingledine move jeff's new download pa...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 213) <a href="<package-osx-alpha>"><version-osx-alpha></a> (<a href="<package-osx-alpha-sig>">sig</a>)
en/download.wml 214) 
Jens Kubieziel - made the document more HT...

Jens Kubieziel authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 215) <br />
Roger Dingledine fix up the html a bit

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 216) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 10.3 (Panther):
Roger Dingledine if the goal is really to gi...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 217) <a href="<package-oldosx-stable>"><version-oldosx-stable></a> (<a
en/download.wml 218) href="<package-oldosx-stable-sig>">sig</a>),
Roger Dingledine move jeff's new download pa...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 219) <a href="<package-oldosx-alpha>"><version-oldosx-alpha></a> (<a
en/download.wml 220) href="<package-oldosx-alpha-sig>">sig</a>)
Roger Dingledine and link to them from the d...

Roger Dingledine authored 18 years ago

en/download.wml 221) </td>
Roger Dingledine stop calling the windows bu...

Roger Dingledine authored 18 years ago

en/download.wml 222) </tr>
en/download.wml 223) 
en/download.wml 224) <tr>
Peter Palfrader Apply nile's patch for the...

Peter Palfrader authored 19 years ago

en/download.wml 225) <td>
Roger Dingledine don't link to tor-doc-unix...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 226) Linux/Unix packages
Roger Dingledine point to Oliver Niesner's c...

Roger Dingledine authored 19 years ago

en/download.wml 227) </td>
Roger Dingledine move jeff's new download pa...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 228) <td><a href="<page download-unix>">Linux/Unix download page</a></td>
Peter Palfrader Apply nile's patch for the...

Peter Palfrader authored 19 years ago

en/download.wml 229) </tr>
en/download.wml 230) 
en/download.wml 231) <tr>
en/download.wml 232) <td>
Jens Kubieziel - made the document more HT...

Jens Kubieziel authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 233) Source tarballs<br />
Roger Dingledine move jeff's new download pa...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 234) <kbd>./configure &amp;&amp; make &amp;&amp; src/or/tor</kbd>
en/download.wml 235) </td>
en/download.wml 236) <td>
Jens Kubieziel - made the document more HT...

Jens Kubieziel authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 237) Stable: <a href="<package-source-stable>"><version-stable></a> (<a href="<package-source-stable-sig>">sig</a>)<br />
Roger Dingledine move jeff's new download pa...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 238) Alpha: <a href="<package-source-alpha>"><version-alpha></a> (<a href="<package-source-alpha-sig>">sig</a>)
Peter Palfrader Apply nile's patch for the...

Peter Palfrader authored 19 years ago

en/download.wml 239) </td>
en/download.wml 240) </tr>
en/download.wml 241) 
en/download.wml 242) </table>
Roger Dingledine first cut of new website

Roger Dingledine authored 20 years ago

download.html   243) 
Roger Dingledine move jeff's new download pa...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 244) <p>
Roger Dingledine cleanups and fixes; move th...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 245) See our <a
Nick Mathewson Change all wiki.noreply to...

Nick Mathewson authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 246) href="https://wiki.torproject.org/noreply/TheOnionRouter/VerifyingSignatures">FAQ
Roger Dingledine cleanups and fixes; move th...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 247) entry on verifying package signatures</a>, which allows
en/download.wml 248) you to make sure you've downloaded the file we intended you to get.
Roger Dingledine move jeff's new download pa...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 249) </p>
en/download.wml 250) 
en/download.wml 251) <p>
Roger Dingledine cleanups and fixes; move th...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 252) See the <a href="<page documentation>#Developers">developer
en/download.wml 253) documentation</a> for instructions on fetching Tor from SVN to get
en/download.wml 254) the very latest development version.
en/download.wml 255) You can also download the <a href="dist/">Privoxy source</a> or <a
en/download.wml 256) href="dist/vidalia-bundles/?C=M;O=D">Vidalia source</a>.
Roger Dingledine move jeff's new download pa...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 257) </p>
en/download.wml 258) 
en/download.wml 259) <p>
Roger Dingledine cleanups and fixes; move th...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 260) If you have trouble downloading Tor from this site, here is a <a
en/download.wml 261) href="<page mirrors>">list of sites mirroring the Tor site</a>.
Roger Dingledine move jeff's new download pa...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 262) </p>
en/download.wml 263) 
en/download.wml 264) <a id="ChangeLog"></a>
Roger Dingledine make the download page less...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 265) <a id="Stable"></a>
en/download.wml 266) <a id="Testing"></a>
Roger Dingledine move jeff's new download pa...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 267) <p>
Roger Dingledine hey, we never linked to Rel...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 268) For a list of what has changed in each stable Tor release, see the
en/download.wml 269) <a href="<svnsandbox>ReleaseNotes">ReleaseNotes</a>. For a list of
en/download.wml 270) changes in both stable and development versions, see the
Roger Dingledine move jeff's new download pa...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/download.wml 271) <a href="<svnsandbox>ChangeLog">ChangeLog</a>.
en/download.wml 272) </p>
en/download.wml 273) 
en/download.wml 274) </div><!-- #main -->
Peter Palfrader Move website to wml

Peter Palfrader authored 19 years ago

en/download.wml 275) 
en/download.wml 276) #include <foot.wmi>