Peter Palfrader Move website to wml

Peter Palfrader authored 18 years ago

en/index.wml   1) ## translation metadata
Peter Palfrader In CVS the magic keyword is...

Peter Palfrader authored 18 years ago

en/index.wml   2) # Revision: $Revision$
Roger Dingledine first cut of moving to ren'...

Roger Dingledine authored 19 years ago

index.html     3) 
Roger Dingledine Add changelogs for

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/index.wml   4) #include "head.wmi" TITLE="anonymity online"
Thomas Sjögren Missed a line when updating...

Thomas Sjögren authored 19 years ago

index.html     5) 
Roger Dingledine first cut of moving to ren'...

Roger Dingledine authored 19 years ago

index.html     6) <!-- SIDEBAR (OPTIONAL) -->
index.html     7) <div class="sidebar">
Peter Palfrader Make local links point to t...

Peter Palfrader authored 18 years ago

en/index.wml   8) <a href="<page download>"><img src="$(IMGROOT)/download_tor.png" alt="Download Tor" /></a>
Roger Dingledine first cut of moving to ren'...

Roger Dingledine authored 19 years ago

index.html     9) 
index.html    10) <br />
index.html    11) 
Peter Palfrader Make local links point to t...

Peter Palfrader authored 18 years ago

en/index.wml  12) <a href="<page overview>"><img src="$(IMGROOT)/how_tor_works_thumb.png" alt="How Tor Works" /></a>
Roger Dingledine add the eff donate button

Roger Dingledine authored 18 years ago

index.html    13) <div class="donatebutton">
Roger Dingledine add a skeleton donate! page...

Roger Dingledine authored 18 years ago

en/index.wml  14) <a href="<page donate>">Support Tor: donate!</a>
Roger Dingledine add the eff donate button

Roger Dingledine authored 18 years ago

index.html    15) </div>
index.html    16) 
Roger Dingledine first cut of moving to ren'...

Roger Dingledine authored 19 years ago

index.html    17) </div>
index.html    18) <!-- END SIDEBAR -->
index.html    19) 
index.html    20) <div class="main-column">
index.html    21) 
index.html    22) <!-- PUT CONTENT AFTER THIS TAG -->
Roger Dingledine first cut of new website

Roger Dingledine authored 19 years ago

index.html    23) 
Roger Dingledine Add changelogs for

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/index.wml  24) <h2>Tor: anonymity online</h2>
Andrew Lewman Update the homepage to visu...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

en/index.wml  25) <hr />
Roger Dingledine add a #news anchor, add a b...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/index.wml  26) 
Nick Mathewson Revise index and reintroduc...

Nick Mathewson authored 16 years ago

en/index.wml  27) <p>Tor is a software project that helps you defend against <a
en/index.wml  28) href="<page overview>">traffic analysis</a>, a form of network
en/index.wml  29) surveillance that threatens personal freedom and privacy, confidential
en/index.wml  30) business activities and relationships, and state security.  Tor
en/index.wml  31) protects you by encrypting your communications and bouncing them
Roger Dingledine re-polish index page

Roger Dingledine authored 16 years ago

en/index.wml  32) around a distributed network of relays run by volunteers
en/index.wml  33) all around the world. Tor works with many of your
Nick Mathewson Revise index and reintroduc...

Nick Mathewson authored 16 years ago

en/index.wml  34) existing applications, including web browsers, instant messaging
en/index.wml  35) clients, remote login, and other applications based on the Internet's
en/index.wml  36) TCP protocol.
Roger Dingledine put together a new website...

Roger Dingledine authored 16 years ago

en/index.wml  37) </p>
en/index.wml  38) 
Nick Mathewson Revise index and reintroduc...

Nick Mathewson authored 16 years ago

en/index.wml  39) <p> Hundreds of thousands of people around the world use Tor for a <a
Roger Dingledine streamline a bit more

Roger Dingledine authored 16 years ago

en/index.wml  40) href="<page whousestor>">wide variety of reasons</a>: journalists and
Nick Mathewson Revise index and reintroduc...

Nick Mathewson authored 16 years ago

en/index.wml  41) bloggers, human rights workers, law enforcement officers, soldiers,
en/index.wml  42) corporations, citizens of repressive regimes, and just ordinary
en/index.wml  43) citizens.  See the <a href="<page overview>">overview page</a> for a
en/index.wml  44) more detailed explanation of what Tor does, why this diversity of
en/index.wml  45) users is important, and how Tor works</a>.
Roger Dingledine put together a new website...

Roger Dingledine authored 16 years ago

en/index.wml  46) </p>
en/index.wml  47) 
en/index.wml  48) <p>
Nick Mathewson Revise index and reintroduc...

Nick Mathewson authored 16 years ago

en/index.wml  49) (There are three pieces of fine print you need to know about.
Roger Dingledine put together a new website...

Roger Dingledine authored 16 years ago

en/index.wml  50) First, Tor does not protect you if you do not use it correctly.
en/index.wml  51) Read <a href="<page download>#Warnings">our list of warnings</a> and
en/index.wml  52) make sure to follow the
en/index.wml  53) <a href="<page documentation>#RunningTor">instructions for your platform</a>
en/index.wml  54) carefully. Second, even if you configure and use Tor correctly,
en/index.wml  55) there are still
en/index.wml  56) <a href="http://wiki.noreply.org/noreply/TheOnionRouter/TorFAQ#RemainingAttacks"
en/index.wml  57) >
en/index.wml  58) potential attacks that could compromise Tor's ability to protect you</a>.
en/index.wml  59) Third, no anonymity system is perfect these days, and Tor is no exception:
en/index.wml  60) you should not rely solely on the current Tor network if you really need
Nick Mathewson Revise index and reintroduc...

Nick Mathewson authored 16 years ago

en/index.wml  61) strong anonymity.)
Roger Dingledine put together a new website...

Roger Dingledine authored 16 years ago

en/index.wml  62) </p>
en/index.wml  63) 
en/index.wml  64) <p>
Roger Dingledine re-polish index page

Roger Dingledine authored 16 years ago

en/index.wml  65) Tor's security improves as its user
Roger Dingledine put together a new website...

Roger Dingledine authored 16 years ago

en/index.wml  66) base grows and as more people volunteer to
Nick Mathewson Revise index and reintroduc...

Nick Mathewson authored 16 years ago

en/index.wml  67) <a href="<page docs/tor-doc-relay>">run relays</a>. (It isn't
Roger Dingledine put together a new website...

Roger Dingledine authored 16 years ago

en/index.wml  68) nearly as hard to set up as you might think, and can significantly
Roger Dingledine re-polish index page

Roger Dingledine authored 16 years ago

en/index.wml  69) <a href="http://wiki.noreply.org/noreply/TheOnionRouter/TorFAQ#RelayAnonymity">
Nick Mathewson Revise index and reintroduc...

Nick Mathewson authored 16 years ago

en/index.wml  70) enhance your own security against some attacks</a>.)
Roger Dingledine put together a new website...

Roger Dingledine authored 16 years ago

en/index.wml  71) If running a relay isn't for you, we need
en/index.wml  72) <a href="<page volunteer>">help with many other aspects of the project</a>,
en/index.wml  73) and we need funds to <a
en/index.wml  74) href="http://wiki.noreply.org/noreply/TheOnionRouter/TorFAQ#Funding">continue
en/index.wml  75) making the Tor network faster and easier to use while maintaining good
en/index.wml  76) security</a>.
en/index.wml  77) <a href="<page donate>">Please donate.</a>
Roger Dingledine cut out much of the front p...

Roger Dingledine authored 18 years ago

en/index.wml  78) </p>
en/index.wml  79) 
Roger Dingledine add a #news anchor, add a b...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

en/index.wml  80) <a id="News"></a>
en/index.wml  81) <h2><a class="anchor" href="#News">News</a></h2>
Andrew Lewman Update the homepage to visu...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

en/index.wml  82) <hr />
Roger Dingledine convert the call for sponso...

Roger Dingledine authored 18 years ago

en/index.wml  83) 
Peter Palfrader Add <ul> and </ul> around t...

Peter Palfrader authored 18 years ago

en/index.wml  84) <ul>
Roger Dingledine put together a new website...

Roger Dingledine authored 16 years ago

en/index.wml  85) <li>Oct 2007: As many of you know, The Tor Project became an <a
en/index.wml  86) href="<page people>">independent and official nonprofit</a> this past
en/index.wml  87) February. We did this so we could accept grants from groups who
en/index.wml  88) only donate to NGOs, and so our donors could deduct qualifying
en/index.wml  89) <a href="<page donate>">donations</a> made to us.
en/index.wml  90) <br />
en/index.wml  91) We'd like to extend our profound thanks to the <a
en/index.wml  92) href="https://www.eff.org/">Electronic Frontier Foundation</a> for their
en/index.wml  93) past support, fiscal sponsorship, and help in hosting some of our web
en/index.wml  94) pages, and for their continued mentorship of and counsel to our
en/index.wml  95) fledgling nonprofit organization.</li>
Roger Dingledine fix typo on frontpage

Roger Dingledine authored 16 years ago

en/index.wml  96) <li>Aug 2007: <strong>Please update your Tor software!</strong>  The
Roger Dingledine not actually here, but migh...

Roger Dingledine authored 16 years ago

en/index.wml  97) latest versions (stable:; development:
Roger Dingledine fix typo on frontpage

Roger Dingledine authored 16 years ago

en/index.wml  98) patch a significant security vulnerability.  See the <a
en/index.wml  99) href="http://archives.seul.org/or/announce/Aug-2007/msg00000.html">release
en/index.wml 100) announcement</a> for more information.</li>
Andrew Lewman Remove fab 2007 news entry,...

Andrew Lewman authored 16 years ago

en/index.wml 101) <li><b>We are actively looking for new sponsors and funding.</b>
Roger Dingledine move older news to the bottom

Roger Dingledine authored 18 years ago

en/index.wml 102) If your organization has an interest in keeping the Tor network usable
en/index.wml 103) and fast, please <a href="<page contact>">contact us</a>. Sponsors of Tor
en/index.wml 104) also get personal attention, better support, publicity (if they want it),
en/index.wml 105) and get to influence the direction of our research and development.</li>
Peter Palfrader Add <ul> and </ul> around t...

Peter Palfrader authored 18 years ago

en/index.wml 106) </ul>
en/index.wml 107) 
Roger Dingledine first cut of new website

Roger Dingledine authored 19 years ago

index.html   108)   </div><!-- #main -->
Roger Dingledine first cut of moving to ren'...

Roger Dingledine authored 19 years ago

index.html   109) 
Peter Palfrader Move website to wml

Peter Palfrader authored 18 years ago

en/index.wml 110) #include <foot.wmi>