Roger Dingledine simplified chinese, transla...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

Runa A. Sandvik updated translations

Runa A. Sandvik authored 14 years ago

7) ## translation metadata
8) # Revision: $Revision$
9) # Translation-Priority: 2-medium
10) #include "head.wmi" TITLE="Tor: Documentation" CHARSET="UTF-8"
Roger Dingledine simplified chinese, transla...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

11) <div class="main-column">
13) <a id="RunningTor"></a>
14) <h2><a class="anchor" href="#RunningTor">运行 Tor</a></h2>
15) <ul>
Runa A. Sandvik updated translations

Runa A. Sandvik authored 14 years ago

16) <li><a href="<page docs/tor-doc-windows>">在 Win32 安装 Tor</a></li>
17) <li><a href="<page docs/tor-doc-osx>">在 Mac OS X 安装 Tor</a></li>
18) <li><a href="<page docs/tor-doc-unix>">在 Linux/BSD/Unix 安装 Tor</a></li>
19) <li><a href="<page torbutton/index>">安装 Torbutton 用于 Tor</a></li>
Pei Hanru Updated zh-cn translation....

Pei Hanru authored 16 years ago

20) <li><a href="<page docs/tor-doc-relay>">配置 Tor 中继</a></li>
Roger Dingledine simplified chinese, transla...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

21) <li><a href="<page docs/tor-hidden-service>">配置 Tor 隐匿服务</a></li>
22) </ul>
Runa A. Sandvik updated translations

Runa A. Sandvik authored 14 years ago

24) <a id="Support"></a> <a id="UpToSpeed"></a>
Pei Hanru Updated zh-cn translation....

Pei Hanru authored 15 years ago

25) <h2><a class="anchor" href="#UpToSpeed">全面了解 Tor 的过去、现在和将来</a></h2>
27) <ol>
28) <li>
Runa A. Sandvik updated translations

Runa A. Sandvik authored 14 years ago

29) 首先,请阅读 <a href="<page overview>">概述页</a> 来了解 Tor 如何工作、Tor 的作用以及谁在使用 Tor。
Pei Hanru Updated zh-cn translation....

Pei Hanru authored 15 years ago

30) </li>
32) <li>
Runa A. Sandvik updated translations

Runa A. Sandvik authored 14 years ago

33) <a href="<page download>">安装 Tor 软件包</a> 并尝试一下。请确保你已经安装 Firefox,并请务必阅读 <a
34) href="<page download>#Warning">列出的警告</a> 了解有关可能损坏你的匿名性的方法。
Pei Hanru Updated zh-cn translation....

Pei Hanru authored 15 years ago

35) </li>
37) <li>
Runa A. Sandvik updated translations

Runa A. Sandvik authored 14 years ago

38) Our <a
39) href="https://wiki.torproject.org/noreply/TheOnionRouter/TorFAQ">FAQ</a>
40) 涵盖了各种主题,其中包括建立一个客户端或中继的问题、有关匿名攻击、我们为什么不用其他方式构建 Tor 等等。我们还设立了一个 <a
41) href="<page faq-abuse>">滥用常见问题</a> 回答来自或针对中继运行者的一般问题。<a href="<page
42) eff/tor-legal-faq>">Tor 法律常见问题</a> 是由 EFF 的律师撰写,它的目的是给出一个在美国因 Tor
43) 项目所引发的一些法律问题的概况。
Pei Hanru Updated zh-cn translation....

Pei Hanru authored 15 years ago

44) </li>
Runa A. Sandvik updated translations

Runa A. Sandvik authored 14 years ago

46) <li><a href="<page tor-manual>">手册</a> 列出了所有可以添加到 <a
47) href="https://wiki.torproject.org/noreply/TheOnionRouter/TorFAQ#torrc">torrc
48) 配置文件</a> 的配置条目。我们还提供了 <a href="<page tor-manual-dev>">Tor 开发版本的手册</a>。</li>
50) <li>如果您有问题,我们有一个 IRC 频道(为用户、中继运营商和开发人员准备) 在<a href="irc://irc.oftc.net/tor">#tor
51) on irc.oftc.net</a>。如果您有一个错误,尤其是崩溃的错误,首先,阅读 <a
52) href="https://wiki.torproject.org/wiki/TheOnionRouter/TorFAQ#RelayCrashing">如果提交一个
53) Tor 错误</a>,然后告诉我们尽可能多的信息,您可以在 <a
54) href="https://bugs.torproject.org/tor">我们的错误追踪系统</a>。(如果你的错误是在
55) Polipo,您的浏览器,或其他应用程序,请不要报告到我们的错误追踪系统中。)<a href="#MailingLists">or-talk
56) 邮件列表</a> 也是有益的。
Pei Hanru Updated zh-cn translation....

Pei Hanru authored 15 years ago

57) </li>
59) <li>
Runa A. Sandvik updated translations

Runa A. Sandvik authored 14 years ago

60) 现在 Tor 有了自己的 <a href="https://blog.torproject.org/">博客</a>。我们尽量保持每一两个星期更新一次。
Pei Hanru Updated zh-cn translation....

Pei Hanru authored 15 years ago

61) </li>
Pei Hanru Updated zh-cn translation.

Pei Hanru authored 15 years ago

63) <li>
64) 下载观看 Roger 在 What The Hack 上的概述讲演(<a
65) href="http://freehaven.net/~arma/wth-anonymous-communication-58.mp4">视频</a>、<a
Runa A. Sandvik updated translations

Runa A. Sandvik authored 14 years ago

66) href="http://freehaven.net/~arma/wth1.pdf">幻灯片</a>、<a
67) href="http://wiki.whatthehack.org/index.php/Anonymous_communication_for_the_United_States_Department_of_Defense...and_you">摘要</a>)。演讲的时间是
68) 2005 年 7 月,在那时我们由 EFF 资助,那时的网络规模还很小,但演讲依然对 Tor 如何工作以及 Tor 的作用提供了良好的背景。
Pei Hanru Updated zh-cn translation.

Pei Hanru authored 15 years ago

69) </li>
Pei Hanru Updated zh-cn translation....

Pei Hanru authored 15 years ago

71) <li>
Runa A. Sandvik updated translations

Runa A. Sandvik authored 14 years ago

72) 浏览我们的 <a href="#DesignDoc">设计文档</a>。请注意,我们已经通过 RFC 格式的规格准确的告诉你如何构建 Tor。
Pei Hanru Updated zh-cn translation....

Pei Hanru authored 15 years ago

73) </li>
75) <li>
Runa A. Sandvik new and updated translations

Runa A. Sandvik authored 14 years ago

76) There's a skeletal <a
77) href="https://svn.torproject.org/svn/projects/roadmaps/2008-12-19-roadmap-full.pdf">list
78) of items we'd like to tackle in the future</a>. Alas, many of those items
79) need to be fleshed out more before they'll make sense to people who aren't
80) Tor developers, but you can still get a general sense of what issues need to
81) be resolved next.
Pei Hanru Updated zh-cn translation....

Pei Hanru authored 15 years ago

82) </li>
84) <li>
Runa A. Sandvik new and updated translations

Runa A. Sandvik authored 14 years ago

85) Download and watch Nick's "Technical changes since 2004" talk from Defcon in
86) July 2007 (<a
87) href="http://freehaven.net/~arma/Defcon15-Mathewson-Technical_Changes_since_you_Last_Heard_about_Tor.mp4">video</a>,
88) <a
89) href="http://freehaven.net/~nickm/slides/Defcon07/TorChanges.pdf">slides</a>),
90) Roger's "blocking-resistance and circumvention" talk from 23C3 in December
91) 2006 (<a
92) href="http://freehaven.net/~arma/23C3-1444-en-tor_and_china.m4v">video</a>,
93) <a href="http://freehaven.net/~arma/slides-23c3.pdf">slides</a>, <a
94) href="http://events.ccc.de/congress/2006/Fahrplan/events/1444.en.html">abstract</a>,
95) <a
96) href="https://svn.torproject.org/svn/projects/design-paper/blocking.html">design
97) paper</a>), and Roger's "Current events in 2007" talk from 24C3 in December
98) 2007 (<a
99) href="http://freehaven.net/~arma/24c3-2325-en-current_events_in_tor_development.mp4">video</a>,
100) <a href="http://freehaven.net/~arma/slides-24c3.pdf">slides</a>, <a
101) href="http://events.ccc.de/congress/2007/Fahrplan/events/2325.en.html">abstract</a>).
102) We also have the What The Hack tutorial on hidden services (<a
103) href="http://freehaven.net/~arma/wth_tor_hidden_services.mp4">video</a>, <a
104) href="http://freehaven.net/~arma/wth3.pdf">slides</a>).
Pei Hanru Updated zh-cn translation....

Pei Hanru authored 15 years ago

105) </li>
Pei Hanru Updated zh-cn translation.

Pei Hanru authored 15 years ago

107) <li>
Runa A. Sandvik updated translations

Runa A. Sandvik authored 14 years ago

108) 观看 Mike 于 2007 年七月在 Defcon 所做的“保护 Tor
109) 网络的安全”讲演(<ahref="http://freehaven.net/~arma/Defcon15-Mike_Perry-Securing_the_Tor_Network.mp4">视频</a>、<a
110) href="http://freehaven.net/~arma/SecuringTheTorNetwork.pdf">幻灯片</a>)。该讲演描述了攻击
111) Tor 这样的网络的一般方法以及我们如何抵御它们,另外还介绍了 <a
Pei Hanru Updated zh-cn translation.

Pei Hanru authored 15 years ago

112) href="https://svn.torproject.org/svn/torflow/trunk/README">Torflow</a> 脚本集合。
113) </li>
Pei Hanru Updated zh-cn translation....

Pei Hanru authored 15 years ago

115) <li>
Runa A. Sandvik updated translations as wml

Runa A. Sandvik authored 14 years ago

116) Learn about the <a href="<gitblob>doc/spec/proposals/001-process.txt">Tor
117) proposal process for changing our design</a>, and look over the <a
118) href="<gittree>doc/spec/proposals">existing proposals</a>.
Pei Hanru Updated zh-cn translation....

Pei Hanru authored 15 years ago

119) </li>
121) <li>
Runa A. Sandvik updated translations

Runa A. Sandvik authored 14 years ago

122) 我们的 <a href="<gitblob>doc/TODO">开发者 TODO 文件</a> 的开始是对外承诺的时间表,即 <a
123) href="<page sponsors>">我们的赞助商</a> 希望看到的结果。该文件还列举了许多我们希望在今后完成的其他任务和主题。
Pei Hanru Updated zh-cn translation....

Pei Hanru authored 15 years ago

124) </li>
126) <li>
Runa A. Sandvik updated translations

Runa A. Sandvik authored 14 years ago

127) 若你已经对 Tor 有了全面的了解,Tor 依然在以令人惊讶的速度持续发展。复杂的讨论在 <a href="#MailingLists">or-dev
128) 邮件列表</a>,而简单讨论的地点则是 #tor IRC 频道。
Pei Hanru Updated zh-cn translation....

Pei Hanru authored 15 years ago

129) </li>
131) </ol>
Pei Hanru Updated zh-cn translation.

Pei Hanru authored 15 years ago

133) <a id="MailingLists"></a>
134) <h2><a class="anchor" href="#MailingLists">邮件列表信息</a></h2>
135) <ul>
Runa A. Sandvik updated translations

Runa A. Sandvik authored 14 years ago

136) <li><a href="http://archives.seul.org/or/announce/">or-announce 邮件列表</a>
137) 是一个新版本和重要安全更新的通知,频率较低。每个人都应该订阅此名单。还有一个 <a
138) href="http://rss.gmane.org/gmane.network.onion-routing.announce">RSS
139) feed</a> 或宣布在 <a href="http://gmane.org">gmane.org</a>.</li>
140) <li>许多讨论在 <a href="http://archives.seul.org/or/talk/">or-talk
141) 邮件列表</a>上进行,我们也在上面通知预发布版本(prerelease)和候选发布版本(release candidate)。</li>
Runa A. Sandvik updated translations for th...

Runa A. Sandvik authored 14 years ago

142) <li><a href="http://archives.seul.org/tor/relays/">Tor 中继列表</a>
143) 在这里讨论有关运行、配置和处理您的 Tor 中继遇到的问题。如果您目前运行了中继,或正在考虑这样做,这是你的列表。</li>
Runa A. Sandvik updated translations

Runa A. Sandvik authored 14 years ago

144) <li><a href="http://archives.seul.org/or/dev/">or-开发列表</a> 是供开发者使用,频率很低。</li>
145) <li><a href="http://archives.seul.org/tor/mirrors/">tor-mirrors 邮件列表</a>
146) 供新的网站镜像,以及 <a href="<page mirrors>">当前网站镜像</a> 的支持使用。</li>
Pei Hanru Updated zh-cn translation,...

Pei Hanru authored 14 years ago

147) <li>开发者也许会对 <a href="http://archives.seul.org/or/cvs/">svn/git commits</a>
Pei Hanru Updated zh-cn translation.

Pei Hanru authored 15 years ago

148) 这个列表感兴趣。</li>
Runa A. Sandvik updated translations for th...

Runa A. Sandvik authored 14 years ago

149) <li>An automated list for <a href="http://archives.seul.org/tor/bugs/">bug
150) reports from trac</a> may be interesting for users and developers.</li>
Pei Hanru Updated zh-cn translation.

Pei Hanru authored 15 years ago

151) </ul>
Roger Dingledine simplified chinese, transla...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

153) <a id="DesignDoc"></a>
154) <h2><a class="anchor" href="#DesignDoc">设计文档</a></h2>
155) <ul>
Runa A. Sandvik new and updated translations

Runa A. Sandvik authored 14 years ago

156) <li>The <b>design document</b> (published at Usenix Security 2004)  gives our
157) justifications and security analysis for the Tor design: <a
158) href="https://svn.torproject.org/svn/projects/design-paper/tor-design.pdf">PDF</a>
159) and <a
160) href="https://svn.torproject.org/svn/projects/design-paper/tor-design.html">HTML</a>
161) versions available.</li>
162) <li>Our follow-up paper on <b>challenges in low-latency anonymity</b> (still in
163) draft form) details more recent experiences and directions: <a
164) href="https://svn.torproject.org/svn/projects/design-paper/challenges.pdf">PDF
165) draft</a>.</li>
Runa A. Sandvik updated translations

Runa A. Sandvik authored 14 years ago

166) <li>我们的论文在 WEIS 2006 &mdash; <b>匿名 Loves 公司:可用性和网络效应</b> &mdash;
167) 在匿名系统问题解释了他们的安全为什么可用性:<a
168) href="http://freehaven.net/anonbib/cache/usability:weis2006.pdf">PDF</a>。</li>
Runa A. Sandvik new and updated translations

Runa A. Sandvik authored 14 years ago

169) <li>Our preliminary design to make it harder for large firewalls to prevent
170) access to the Tor network is described in <b>design of a blocking-resistant
171) anonymity system</b>: <a
172) href="https://svn.torproject.org/svn/projects/design-paper/blocking.pdf">PDF
173) draft</a> and <a
174) href="https://svn.torproject.org/svn/projects/design-paper/blocking.html">HTML
175) draft</a>.  Want to <a href="<page volunteer>#Coding">help us build it</a>?</li>
Runa A. Sandvik updated translations

Runa A. Sandvik authored 14 years ago

176) <li><b>规范</b> 目的是为开发足够的信息来建立一个 Tor 的兼容版本:
Roger Dingledine simplified chinese, transla...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

177) <ul>
Runa A. Sandvik updated translations

Runa A. Sandvik authored 14 years ago

178) <li><a href="<gitblob>doc/spec/tor-spec.txt">Tor 主规格</a></li>
179) <li><a href="<gitblob>doc/spec/dir-spec.txt">Tor 版本 3 目录服务器规格说明</a> (和以前的 <a
180) href="<gitblob>doc/spec/dir-spec-v1.txt">版本 1</a> 和 <a
181) href="<gitblob>doc/spec/dir-spec-v2.txt">版本 2</a> 规格说明)</li>
182) <li><a href="<gitblob>doc/spec/control-spec.txt">Tor 控制协议规范</a></li>
183) <li><a href="<gitblob>doc/spec/rend-spec.txt">Tor 网络聚集规范</a></li>
184) <li><a href="<gitblob>doc/spec/path-spec.txt">Tor 路径选择规范</a></li>
Andrew Lewman omnibus update of s/svnsand...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

185) <li><a href="<gitblob>doc/spec/address-spec.txt">Tor 中的特殊主机名</a></li>
Runa A. Sandvik updated translations

Runa A. Sandvik authored 14 years ago

186) <li><a href="<gitblob>doc/spec/socks-extensions.txt">Tor 的 SOCKS 支持和扩展</a></li>
187) <li><a href="<gitblob>doc/spec/version-spec.txt">Tor 版本数字的工作</a></li>
Runa A. Sandvik new and updated translations

Runa A. Sandvik authored 14 years ago

188) <li><a href="<gitblob>doc/spec/proposals">In-progress drafts of new
189) specifications and proposed changes</a></li>
Pei Hanru Updated zh-cn docs page.

Pei Hanru authored 17 years ago

190) </ul></li>
Pei Hanru Updated zh-cn translation....

Pei Hanru authored 15 years ago

Roger Dingledine simplified chinese, transla...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

192) </ul>
194) <a id="NeatLinks"></a>
Pei Hanru Updated zh-cn translation....

Pei Hanru authored 16 years ago

195) <h2><a class="anchor" href="#NeatLinks">常用链接</a></h2>
Roger Dingledine simplified chinese, transla...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

196) <ul>
Runa A. Sandvik updated translations

Runa A. Sandvik authored 14 years ago

197) <li><a href="https://wiki.torproject.org/noreply/TheOnionRouter">Tor wiki</a>
198) 提供了大量的从 Tor 用户得到的贡献。去看看吧!</li>
199) <li><a
200) href="https://wiki.torproject.org/noreply/TheOnionRouter/SupportPrograms">你可能希望得到一个可以与
201) Tor 一起使用的程序的列表</a>。</li>
202) <li><a href="https://check.torproject.org/">Tor 探测器</a> 或 <a
203) href="http://torcheck.xenobite.eu/">另一个 Tor 探测器</a> 看看你是否在使用 Tor。</li>
Runa A. Sandvik updated translations as wml

Runa A. Sandvik authored 14 years ago

204) <li>Check out one of the Tor status pages, such as <a
205) href="http://torstatus.blutmagie.de/">blutmagie's</a>, or <a
206) href="http://trunk.torstatus.kgprog.com/index.php">kgprog's</a>, or
207) Xenobite's <a href="https://torstat.xenobite.eu/">Tor node status</a> page.
208) Remember that these lists may not be as accurate as what your Tor client
209) uses, because your client fetches its own directory information and examines
210) it locally.</li>
Runa A. Sandvik updated translations

Runa A. Sandvik authored 14 years ago

211) <li>阅读 <a
212) href="http://freehaven.net/anonbib/topic.html#Anonymous_20communication">这些论文</a>
213) (特别是那些框中的)为加快匿名通信领域的速度。</li>
Roger Dingledine simplified chinese, transla...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

214) </ul>
216) <a id="Developers"></a>
Runa A. Sandvik updated translations

Runa A. Sandvik authored 14 years ago

217) <h2><a class="anchor" href="#Developers">给开发人员</a></h2>
218)   浏览 Tor <b>源代码库</b>:
Roger Dingledine simplified chinese, transla...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

219)   <ul>
Runa A. Sandvik updated translations as wml

Runa A. Sandvik authored 14 years ago

220)     <li><a href="<gitrepo>">Browse the repository's source tree directly</a></li>
Runa A. Sandvik updated translations

Runa A. Sandvik authored 14 years ago

221)     <li>Git 和 SVN 访问:
Pei Hanru Updated zh-cn translation.

Pei Hanru authored 15 years ago

222)       <ul>
Pei Hanru Updated zh-cn translation.

Pei Hanru authored 14 years ago

223)         <li><kbd>git clone git://git.torproject.org/git/tor</kbd></li>
Runa A. Sandvik updated translations

Runa A. Sandvik authored 14 years ago

224)         <li>这开发分支是 <kbd>master</kbd>。积极维护分支 <kbd>maint-0.2.0</kbd> 和
225) <kbd>maint-0.2.1</kbd>。</li>
226)         <li><kbd>svn checkout https://svn.torproject.org/svn/website/trunk website</kbd></li>
Pei Hanru Updated zh-cn translation.

Pei Hanru authored 14 years ago

227)       </ul>
Roger Dingledine simplified chinese, transla...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

228)     </li>
Runa A. Sandvik new and updated translations

Runa A. Sandvik authored 14 years ago

229)     <li><a
230) href="https://gitweb.torproject.org//githax.git?a=blob;f=doc/Howto.txt;hb=HEAD">Basic
231) instructions for using Git to contribute to Tor software.</a></li>
Roger Dingledine simplified chinese, transla...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

232)   </ul>
Runa A. Sandvik updated translations

Runa A. Sandvik authored 14 years ago

234)   </div>
Runa A. Sandvik updated translations for th...

Runa A. Sandvik authored 14 years ago
